Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 December 2017
Ivan Ignatiev "About the activities of the laboratory in 2017"
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Physics Faculty 14 December 2017
Eugene Polzik (The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark)
"Quantum back-action-free measurement of motion"
Institute of Physics, Conference Hall,
time 13:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 November 2017
Euvgenii B. Aleksandrov, (academician of RAS) "From the history of detection of quantum beats"
Institute of Physics, Blue Conference Hall,
time 15:10
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 November 2017
Andrey Kurdybov "Investigation of impurity centers in GaAs by time-resolved THz spectroscopy"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 14 November 2017
Eugeniyus Ivchenko (The Ioffe Institute)
"Magnetic circular polarization of photoluminescence of excitons"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 10 November 2017
Alexander Poshakinskiy "Electronic spin dynamics and correlation effects in semiconductor nanosystems"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 7 November 2017
Roman Balagula "Influence of nonequilibrium charge carriers on the optical properties of nanostructures with tunnel-bound quantum wells and quantum dots"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 3 November 2017
Kirill Kavokin "Multispin Raman scattering"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 31 October 2017
Mikhail Durnev "Boundary photovoltaic currents in the two-dimensional topological insulators"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 October 2017
Anton Dontsov "Modal structure and dynamics of ring lasers and lasers at whispering gallery modes"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 17 October 2017
Ivan Solovyov "Investigation of coherent evolution of excitons in wide-gap semiconductor quantum wells by four-wave mixing and photon echo methods"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 26 September 2017
Mikhail Petrov "Homogenization of Doppler broadening in the spectroscopy of the spin noise of cesium vapor"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 19 September 2017
Philipp Grigoriev "Exciton-light coupling in quantum wells in a magnetic field"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 September 2017
Valentina Litvyak "The definition of a local field in n-GaAs"
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 27 June 2017
Pavel Yu. Shapochkin (RC "Nanophotonics") "Achievements and present condition of epitaxial technology in SPbSU"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 June 2017
Ivan V. Ignatiev "Report of the first half of 2017"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Physics Faculty 9 June 2017
E. A. Khazanov "Laser interferometer for detecting gravitational waves (LIGO):
Features of the installation and contribution of IAP RAS"
Institute of Physics, Conference Hall,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 30 May 2017
Gleb Kozlov (Solab) "Heterodyne detection of scattered radiation: application to mapping and tomography of optically heterogeneous objects"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 19 May 2017
Dmitriy Smirnov (Ioffe Institute) "Spin noise of single electron in microcavity in the strong coupling regime"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 16 May 2017
Roman Cherbunin "Scientific and pedagogical activity in 2015 - 2017" (report)
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 12 May 2017
Iana Babenko "Photon echo effect for excitons in nanostructures"
Valentina Litvyak "Optical research of PbS and PbSe quantum dots in glass matrices"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 May 2017
Mikhail Petrov (SOLAB) "Ways of spin noise amplifying in spin ensembles of GaAs:Si and (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 25 April 2017
Semen Chervinsky (Polytech) «Nanocomposite structures in optics and plasmonics»
room 514 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 April 2017
Elena Shornikova (TU Dortmund) "Fine-structure of exciton levels in CdSe colloidal nanocrystals"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 18 April 2017
Alexey Salasyuk "Resonant driving of magnetization precession by localized acoustic phonons"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 11 April 2017
Pavlos Savvidis (University of Crete, Greece) "Mixing Light with Matter: New Physics and Applications"
Institute of Physics, Blue Conference Hall,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 April 2017
Mladen Kotur "Nuclear spin warm up in bulk n-GaAs"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Physics Faculty 28 March 2017
E.L. Ivchenko "Photogalvanic effects in noncentrosymmetric crystals"
Institute of Physics, Conference Hall,
time 15:10
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 28 March 2017
Artem Evdokimov "Magneto-optical Faraday effect in Si:GaAs-GaAs/AlGaAs microcavity"
room 404 «M»,
time 12:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 17 March 2017
Iana Babenko "Spontaneous photon echo from an ensemble of (In,Ga)As quantum dots"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 14 March 2017
Ivan Solovyov "Spectral diffusion observation in single-photon emission of GaN single quantum dot"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Physics Faculty 28 February 2017
Alexey Kavokin "Bosonic lasers"
Institute of Physics, Conference Hall,
time 15:10
Watch on
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 28 February 2017
Vladimir Kochereshko "Magnetically-induced spatial dispersion effect of the optic axes in the structures with quantum wells"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Watch on
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 February 2017
Mikhail Nestoklon (Ioffe Institute) "Effects of atomic structure interfaces in semiconductor nanosystems"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 31 January 2017
Ivan Iorsh (ITMO) "Generation of Photon-Plasmon Quantum States in Nonlinear Hyperbolic Metamaterial"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 January 2017
Mikhail Glazov "Criterion for Bose-Einstein condensation"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 December 2016
Kirill Kavokin "Optical Calorimetry of nuclear-spin system"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 6 December 2016
Marina Semina "Fine structure of Rydberg excitons in Cuprous Oxide"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:40
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 25 November 2016
Valentina Litvyak "The energy structure of PbS quantum dots"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 30 September 2016
Mikhail Petrov and Roman Cherbunin "Spin optics laboratory prospects"
room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 27 September 2016
Anastasiya Babkina "Spectral-luminescent properties of phosphate, borate and silicate glasses doped nanocrystals and molecular clusters of copper chloride"
room 514 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 September 2016
Matthias Salewski (TU Dortmund) "Photon echoes from InGaAs quantum dots embedded in Tamm-plasmon microcavity"
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 6 September 2016
Anna Rodina "Optical and spin phenomena in semiconductor colloidal nanocrystals"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 June 2016
Prof. Tien-Chang Lu (Taiwan) "Crossover from polariton lasing to exciton lasing in a strongly coupled ZnO microcavity"
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 15 June 2016
Alexandra Sheremet "Correlation functions of the second order of the exciton-polariton Rabi oscillator"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 June 2016
Prof. Dr. Claus Klingshirn "Back-folded phonons in superlattices, plasmon-phonon mixed states, cavity polaritons or excitonic Bose-Einstein condensation"
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 May 2016
Alexey Konanov "Luminescent metal clusters in polymersn"
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 17 May 2016
Alexander Poddubny "Distribution, localization and emission of light in nanostructures and metamaterials"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 May 2016
Kirill Kavokin "The dynamics of the warming of the nuclear spin system in n-GaAs"
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 5 May 2016
Alexey Kavokin "Polariton-polariton correlation in the Rabi oscillation mode"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 22 April 2016
Maria Vladimorova "Exciton transport in polar GaN/(AlGa)N quantum wells"
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 12 April 2016
Artur Trifonov "Coherent and incoherent dynamics of excitons in semiconductor heterostructures with quantum wells"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Photonics 1 April 2016
Ivan Ryzhov «Spin noise spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Photonics 25 March 2016
Yury Kapitonov «The spatial modulation of the resonant optical properties of InGaAs / GaAs single quantum wells using a focused ion beam»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 15 March 2016
Philipp Grigoriev «Modeling of the exciton states in InGaAs quantum wells»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 4 March 2016
Alexander Baryshev «Magneto-optical effects in magnetic and plasmon nanostructures»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 February 2016
Ivan Ryzhov and Mikhail Glazov «Spin noise and magnetometry of local fields»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 16 February 2016
Boris Fine (Skoltech Center for Photonics and Quantum Materials)
«The effectiveness of the classic simulation of quantum dynamics of nuclear spins in solids»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 February 2016
Mikhail. V. Durnev «Magneto-optical spectroscopy of single quantum dot GaAs, grown on a substrate [111]»
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 February 2016
Kirill V. Kavokin «Magnetic polaron formed resident hole in semi-magnetic quantum well»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 27 January 2016
Andrey Komolkin «On the question of the accuracy of the navigation of migratory birds on "magnetic map": variations in Earth's magnetic field in the period 1991-2015 in Nurmijarvi (Finland)»
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 30 December 2015
Ivan Ignatiev «Research in the Spin Optics laboratory in 2015»
room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 22 December 2015
Irina Yugova «The dynamics of spin coherence in semiconductor nanostructures»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 16 December 2015
Oleg Kibis «Control of the electronic properties of nanostructures by electromagnetic dressing»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 11 December 2015
Alexey Scherbakov «Magnetization precession of a ferromagnet in phononic nanoresonator»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 1 December 2015
Alexei Koudinov «Absorption, scattering and distribution of exciton polaritons in thin GaAs crystals»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 26 November 2015
Kirill Kavokin «Spin thermometer»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 3 November 2015
Anvar S. Baymuratov «The stationary optical spectroscopy of chiral low-dimensional semiconductor structures»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Quantum optics laboratory 23 October 2015
«Quantum optics semiconductor nanostructures»
room 404 «M»,
time 10:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 October 2015
Mikhail Petrov «Real-space collapse of a polariton condensate»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 October 2015
Alexander Poddubny «Interaction of quantum emitters with photons in the cavity. Dicke model, Jaynes–Cummings and Tavis-Cummings. Examples of implementation in semiconductor nanoscale systems.»
A. V. Poshakinskiy «The scattering of photon pairs in the quantum dots»
Mikhail Glazov «Jaynes-Cummings ladder the spin degree of freedom. Theory and experiment.»
room 404 «M»,
time 10:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 5 October 2015
Sergey Poltavtsev «Rabi oscillations in the signal photon echo from the quantum wells and quantum dots»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 October 2015
Felipe Perez Rodriguez (Institute of Physics, University of Puebla, Mexico)
«Optical properties of near-surface quantum wells»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 15 September 2015
Alex Greilich «Heterogeneous nuclear spin polarization created by the Knight field of electrons localized on fluorine in ZnSe»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 September 2015
Philipp Grigoriev «Excitons in rectangular quantum wells: microscopic simulation and experiment»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 July 2015
Sergey Polavcev «Talk about the meeting with the Nobel prize winners in Lindau»
Pavlos Savvidis «Current research» room 404 «M»,
time 16:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 30 June 2015
Alexey Chernikov «Excitons in two-dimensional atomically thin materials»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 26 June 2015
Ivan Shelykh «Effect of dressing field on transport and spin properties of two-dimensional systems»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 5 June 2015
Marlan O. Scully «Remote Detection via Quantum Coherence»
Institute of Physics, Blue Conference Hall,
time 15:00
Read more
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 May 2015
D. Suter «Spin-qubits in quantum computers: promise, problems and possible solutions»
Institute of Physics, Conference Hall,
time 15:10
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Computational physics 19 May 2015
Evgeniy Khramtsov «Excitons in high quality quantum well: microscopic model and experiment»
room 504 «I»,
time 16:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 April 2015
Alexandra Kalashnikova «Laser-induced spin dynamics in magnetically ordered insulators»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 14 April 2015
Markus Aspelmayer «Quantum optomechanics»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 26 March 2015
Alexey Kavokin «Weak lasing»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 March 2015
Ivan Ersh «Small-signal modulation characteristics of a polariton laser»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 February 2015
Mikhail Glazov «Spin waves in microcavities»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 February 2015
Gleb Kozlov «Spin noise spectroscopy impurity GaAs in a high quality factor microcavities: the effects of the nuclear polarization»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 January 2015
Kirill Kavokin «The polarization of the electron by cooling the nuclear spins»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 18 November 2014
Alexey Greilich «Spin noise spectroscopy beyond thermal equilibrium in a classical vapor of 41K alkali atoms»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 12 November 2014
Alexey Kavokin "Exciton-photon correlations in the polariton condensates"
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 7 November 2014
Выступили молодые сотрудники.
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 31 October
Ilya A. Akimov «Magneto-optical effects in hybrid plasmonic structures»
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 October 2014
Sergey Losev «Получение и исследование нерасходящихся (бесселевых) пучков от полупроводниковых лазеров и светодиодов» (по материалам кандидатской диссертации)
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 17 October 2014
Anna Rodina «Полупроводниковые коллоидные нанокристаллы - 30 лет исследований» (обзор)
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 7 October 2014
Ilya Gerlovin «Нетривиальная динамика размерно-квантованных экситонов в высококачественной структуре с InGaAs/GaAs квантовой ямой»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 3 October 2014
Выступили молодые сотрудники.
room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 September 2014
Ivan Ignatiev «Квантовые биения экситонных состояний в полупроводниковых наноструктурах»
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 July 2014
Mikhail Glazov "Управление одиночным спином электрона в нульмерном микрорезонаторе"
А. В. Трифонов «Dynamics of stimulated scattering of exciton-polaritons in polariton lasers with parabolic quantum wells».
room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 19 June 2014
Alexey Kavokin Discussion of current research
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 3 June 2014
Mikhail Durnev "Spin splitting of the valence band in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 27 May 2014
Lorenzo Dominici "The superfluid backjet, dark rings and shock waves of a polariton drop"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 20 May 2014
Sergey Poltavtsev "Photon echo signal oscillations of quantum dots in a microcavity"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 May 2014
Dmitry Smirnov "The theory of spin fluctuations of excitons in quantum wells"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 8 May 2014
Mikhail Glazov "Rabi oscillations in structures with quantum microcavities"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 April 2014
Alexey V. Kimel "Magnetization switching by light: from the basics of recording information"
Research Institute of Physics (NIIF), the Conference room,
time 15:10
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 25 April 2014
Aephraim M. Steinberg "In Praise of Weakness"
Research Institute of Physics (NIIF), the Conference room,
time 15:10
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 22 April 2014
Alexei Koudinov "Tetrone Suris about the possible signs of four-spectroscopic optical excitations of two-dimensional electron gas"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 18 April 2014
Vladimir Kochereshko "Is there shift of the Burstein-Moss?"
Room 514 «M»,
time 14:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 8 April 2014
Valerii Zapasskii "Information possibilities of spin noise spectroscopy"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 March 2014
- Konstantin Tyutyukin "Introduction to NMR tomography"
- Andrei Komolkin "An overview of some publications on the use of MRI to study birds"
Room 404 «M»,
time 17:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 18 March 2014
Leonid V. Lutsev
"The giant magnetoresistance injection in heterostructures SiO2(Co)/GaAs"
Room 514 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 11 March 2014
Alexei Emeline
«Photoactive materials. Current state of research and practical application»
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 March 2014
Anna Rodina
«Optical properties of semiconductor nanocrystals colloidal 'core / shell' CdSe/CdS»
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 25 February 2014
Alex Greilich
«Optical studies of electrons bound to donors in ZnSe:F»
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 18 February 2014
Kirill Kavokin
"Physics of the magnetic compass of birds: theory and experiments"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 11 February 2014
Alexei Koudinov
"Optical orientation of holes in the quantum well GaAs / (Ga, Al) As, containing two-dimensional electron gas"
Room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 February 2014
Nikita Chernetsov
"Birds orientation and navigation: compasses and maps"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 28 January 2014
Mikhail Glazov
"Energy bands and fine structure of the exciton states in the monolayer MoS_2"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 14 January 2014
Pavel Petrov "Optical orientation of electrons pumped zone - impurity in quantum wells of GaAs / AlGaAs: Mn"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 24 December 2013
Gleb Kozlov "Giant spin noise in microcavity"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 10 December 2013
Arkady Fedorov "Quantum Control and Quantum Information Processing in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics"
Room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 06 December 2013
Anastasia Sklyarova
"Application of the Mossbauer effect to study micromagnetism"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 29 November 2013
Vladimir Katz "Spectroscopy of GaAs quantum dots in AlGaAs nanowires"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory, Department of Solid State Physics, Department of Photonics, Resource centres "Nanophotonics" 6 November 2013
Kirill Kavokin
"Scientific problems for the magneto-optical studies"
Room 107 «И»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 5 November 2013
Dmitry Loginov
"The influence of uniaxial strain on the interference of polariton waves in wide quantum wells"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 29 October 2013
Vadim Shalygin
"Optical and photovoltaic effect in bulk semiconductors and two-dimensional structures"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 23 October 2013
Andrey Mikhailov, Gleb Kozlov "Optical spectroscopy gyrotropy asymmetrical microcavity"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 18 October 2013
Aleksander Poddubniy
"The emission of silicon nanocrystals - the role of the surface"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 15 October 2013
Alexander Mintairov "Near-field optical microscopy of molecular electronic states in a quantum dot"
Room 404 «M»,
time 12:15
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 04 October 2013
Maria Kuznetsova
"Nuclear spin effects in self-assembled quantum dots"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 01 October 2013
G. G. Kozlov
"Anti Flipping limited planar optical waveguide: model of the string"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 03 September 2013
Ruth Oulton
"Quantum Dot Spins for Quantum Information"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 26 July 2013
Sven Hoefling
"Integrated Quantum Photonics on GaAs"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 9 July 2013
Ivan Grohotkov
"Holography yesterday, today and tomorrow"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 July 2013
- Alexey V. Kavokin, «Zeeman effect in a Bose-Einstein condensate of exciton polaritons»
- Vladimir P. Kochereshko «Exciton-polaritons in micro-cavities at 3D quantization»
- Mikhail M. Afanasiev «Energy and spatial transformation of optical excitation in laterally confined semiconductor microcavity»
- Roman V. Cherbunin «Talk drawings for the article, "Giant Kerr rotation of the electrons in the quantum well placed in the microcavity"»
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 June 2013
Pavlos Savvidis
"Electrical and optical manipulation of polariton condensates"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Inter-chair seminar 18 June 2013
Pavlos Savvidis
"Polariton Based Devices"
NIIF, Small (blue) conference hall,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 June 2013
Pavlos Lagoudakis
"Huygen's clocks in semiconductor microcavities"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Inter-chair seminar 11 June 2013
Pavlos Lagoudakis "Nanoscience galore: hybrid and nanoscale photonics"
NIIF, Small (blue) conference hall,
time 12:00

Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 6 June 2013
Sergey Poltavtsev
"The report on the experimental work carried out at the Technical University of Dortmund in the laboratory of Manfred Baier"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 21 May 2013
Livshic Mariya
"Kelvin wake: trace of the ship in calm water"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Inter-chair seminar 13 May 2013
Prof. Akira Furusawa "Quantum teleportation and its applications"
NIIF, Small (blue) conference hall,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 30 April 2013
Mikhail Durnev
"Phase transitions in the polariton lasers"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 9 April 2013
Vladimir Makin
"On the universal polariton model of laser-induced destruction of condensed matter"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 4 April 2013
Barry Sanders
"Whither Quantum Computing?"
Room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 2 April 2013
Mikhail Glazov
"Spin noise of exciton polaritons"
Room 404 «M»,
time 12:00
Inter-chair seminar 22 March 2013
Prof. Timothy Duty
"Parametric down-conversion of microwave photons using superconducting circuits"
NIIF, Small (blue) conference hall,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 15 March 2013
Sergey Poltavtsev
"Indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells and devices based on them"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 March 2013
- Artur Trifonov and Sergey Korotan «Linear and nonlinear optical effects in a parabolic quantum well under the quasi-resonant excitation»
- Ivan Ryzhov «Noise spectroscopy in a microcavity with a quantum well»
- Mikhail Petrov «Modeling the dynamics of polaritons in the channel»
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 5 March 2013
Alexey Buravlev
"MBE-growth and properties of semiconductor nanostructures based on semiconductor A3-Mn-B5"
Room 514 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 19 February 2013
Aleksander Poddubniy
"Hyperbolic metamaterials"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 12 February 2013
Ivan Savenko
"The dynamics of exciton-polariton system with the phonon relaxation"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:45
N. A. Kasjanenko
"DNA molecule and its application in nanotechnology"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 8 February 2013
G. G. Kozlov
"The simplest model of the Hanle effect in quantum dots. Nonanalyticity Hanle curve in small fields"
Room 404 «M»,
time 14:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory and Department of Solid State Physics 5 February 2013
Stepanov Peter
"Magnetic polarons in CdMnTe quantum dots"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 29 January 2013
Maria Vladimirova
"Faraday rotation induced by the nuclear magnetization in n-GaAs"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 11 January 2013
Roman V. Cherbunin
"Studying of the dynamic spin polarization of electrons and nuclei placed in micro-resonator using pump-probe Kerr rotation"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 18 December 2012
Alexander Mistonov
"Rule of ice" in ferromagnetic opal like inverted structures.
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 14 December 2012
Vladimir Kalevich
"Optical orientation and spin-dependent recombination in semiconductors at room temperature"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 7 December 2012
Mikhail Glazov
"Strong and weak exciton-photon coupling in quantum microcavity"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 16 November 2012
Vladimir Lukoshkin
"Measurement of polariton dispersion curve in a microcavity"
Room 404 «M»,
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 13 November 2012
Ivan Ryzhov
"On works on spin noise spectroscopy"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 12 October 2012
- Some information A. V. Kavokin
- M. I. Zhukovskaya
Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry
"Insect olfaction: Sensitivity and time resolution of receptors"
Room 404 «M»,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 5 October 2012
- G.G. Kozlov: "Review of Dr. thesis by Nina Voronova"
- R. V. Cherbunin and K. V. Kavokin: "About plans of experimental research"
- M. Yu. Petrov: "Latest scientific news"
Room 404 "M",
time 15:00
Seminar of Spin optics laboratory 25 September 2012
- A. V. Kavokin, "Latest news about future prospect of our laboratory"
- Reports of young researchers about their participation i conferences in England and Georgia.
Room 404 "M",
time 11:00
Seminar of Statistical physics chair 25 September 2012
A. V. Kavokin "Spin currents in cold exciton gases"
Room 453 "I",
time 13:00
Research Seminar 14 September 2012
Evgeniy B. Alexandrov
"Is it possible the cost-effective cold nuclear fusion?"
Research Institute of Physics(NIIF), the Small conference room
time 11:30 — 12:30
Alexey P. Greilich
"Spin noise spectroscopy in quantum dots"
Research Institute of Physics(NIIF), the Small conference room
time 12:30 — 13:15
Seminar of Spin Optics Laboratory 13 June 2012
Kirill Kavokin
"Faraday rotation, induced by hyperfine interaction in semiconductor microcavity".
Room 404,
time 11:30
Seminar of Spin Optics Laboratory 18 May 2012
Alexey Kavokin
"Boson cascade laser".
Room 404,
time 11:00
Alexander Levantovskii
"New features MagicPlot Pro"
Room 404,
time 12:00
Seminars of Spin Optics Laboratory
15 May 2012
Georgy Astakhov
“Spin relaxation and spin diffusion of electrons in epitaxial layers based on binary semiconductors”
Room 404,
time 11:30
Dmitry Vishnevsky
"Acoustic control of the lasing threshold in QDs ensemble coupled to an optical microcavity"
Room 404,
time 14:00
Alexey Kavokin «Terahertz lazer».
17 of February 2012
Seminar begins at
11:30. Room 412 block "M".
(download pdf)
Dear colleges!
next SOLAB seminar will be held
On Friday 2012 February 10
Dmitry Vishnevsky, LASMEA, Nanostructure and Nanophotonics group, Clermont Universite, Universite Blaise Pascal, CNRS
"Renormalization of the polariton interactions by thermally activated excitons"
Seminar begins at 17:00. Room 412 block "M".
31 of January 2012
Research Institute of Physics , corps "M", lecture room 514
Mini-conference SOLAB им. И. Н. Уральцева: "Spectroscopy of the noise".
- 14:00 - 14:45 V. S. Zapasskii, "About the optics of the spin noise"
- 14:45 - 15:30 M. M. Glazov, "Spin noise of exciton polaritons in quantum microresonators"
- 15:40 - 16:25 G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii, "Using ultrafast spectrum analyzer to monitor "intensivnostnoy susceptibility "and noise spectroscopy microcavities"