
Seminars 2025 (Hide/Show)

Gleb G. Kozlov (SOLAB)

4 feb 2025, TU 🕝12:00


Polarization dependence of cesium vapor absorption on the D1 line in low magnetic fields: isotropy of the transition F=3 ----> F'=4

Anna V. Rodina The Ioffe Institute

28 jan 2025, TU 🕝12:00


Auger recombination in nanocrystals: what it interferes with and how to combat it

Valentina M. Litvyak

21 jan 2025, TU 🕝12:00


Features of nuclear spin polarization manifestation in optical experiments with manganese-doped GaAs

Seminars 2024 (Hide/Show)

Competition of reports of young scientists for the I. Ya. Gerlovin Prize

24 dec 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Report of postgraduate students of 1-3 courses

13 dec 2024, FR 🕝12:00


Mikhail G. Kucherenko

10 dec 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Spin-selective reactions involving molecular excitons in nanocrystals

Elena V. Kolobkova

2 dec 2024, MO 🕝12:00


CsPbX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) nanocrystals in glasses

Gleb G. Kozlov

26 nov 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Doppler Free Spectroscopy of Zeeman Splitting of Cesium D1 Lines under Strong Doppler Broadening Conditions

Roman V. Pisarev

12 nov 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Scientific school of E.F. Gross - a view from the outside

Vadim Kozlov

5 nov 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Spin noise of nanocrystals in a glass matrix

22 oct 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Roman V. Cherbunin

15 oct 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Quantum computing on polariton currents

Dmitry A. Solovyev

17 sept 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Theoretical aspects of photon scattering processes in applications to precision spectroscopic experiments

Alexey V. Korotchenkov
The Ioffe Institute

10 sept 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Plasmons and plasmon-excitons in composite metal-semiconductor nanostructures

Postdocs' reports on their scientific results

3 sept 2024, TU 🕝12:00


V. M. Litvyak, "Study of the Features of a Cooled Nuclear Spin System in Weak Magnetic Fields in Various Semiconductor Structures",
A. V. Mikhailov, "Structure and Dynamic Characteristics of Excitons with Heavy and Light Holes in CdTe/CdZnTe QWs"

Report on the activities of the I. N. Uraltsev Spin Optics Laboratory in the first half of 2024

5 july 2024, FR 🕝12:00


Maria S. Kuznecova

Reports on final qualifying work of postgraduate students

25 june 2024, TU 🕝12:00


A. M. Chukeyev, “Precision spectroscopy of exciton reflection of heterostructures with GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells”. Scientific supervisor I. V. Ignatyev
A. D. Lyubomirov, “Dynamics of exciton polaritons in elliptical optical traps”. Scientific supervisor R. V. Cherbunin

Reports of postgraduate students of 1-3 years of study

18 june 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Pavel Bazhin – 1st year graduate student, supervisor. K. V. Kavokin
Vasily Stolyarov – 1st year graduate student, supervisor. A. S. Kurdyubov and I. V. Ignatiev
Oleg Sultanov – 1st year graduate student, supervisor. I. A. Yugova
Matvey Bataev – 2nd year graduate student, supervisor. M. S. Kuznetsova and I. V. Ignatiev
Vadim Kozlov – 2nd year graduate student, supervisor. I. I. Ryzhov and V. S. Zapassky
Boris Gribakin – 3rd year graduate student, supervisor. K. V. Kavokin

Anton V. Nalitov
Abrikosov Center for Theoretical Physics

11 june 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Dynamics of polariton vortices in optically induced traps

Reports on the diploma theses of graduating students

4 june 2024, TU 🕝12:00


1. Nikita Pakholchuk (bachelor's thesis, supervised by M. N. Bataev), "Two-photon excitation of photoluminescence in halide perovskite nanocrystals in fluorophosphate glass"
2. Vladimir Zhilyakov (bachelor's thesis, supervised by I. A. Yugova), "Spin-dependent photon echo in an ensemble of three-level systems"
3. Vladimir Berdnikov (master's thesis, supervised by M. S. Kuznetsova and V. M. Litvyak), "Electron-nuclear spin dynamics in bulk GaAs layers doped with Mn ions"

Alexey V. Kavokin

28 may 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Polariton qubit, ways of implementation

Artur V. Trifonov
(SOLAB, TU Dortmund)

21 may 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Long-lived exciton coherence and exciton-exciton interaction in bulk halide perovskite crystals

Kirill V. Kavokin
(SOLAB) and
Dmitriy S. Smirnov
(The Ioffe Institute and SOLAB)

14 may 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Cooling of nuclear spins by highly localized electrons

Anna V. Rodina
The Ioffe Institute

16 apr 2024, TU 🕝12:00


SEMICONDUCTOR NANOCRYSTALS AND QUANTUM DOTS: history of discovery and new phenomena caused by interaction of excitons with the surface

Dmitriy. V. Pankin

9 apr 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Structural and optical properties of the mineral Moganite

Rodion R. Reznik

2 apr 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Hybrid Semiconductor Nanostructures Based on III-V Compounds: Synthesis by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Physical Properties

Marina N. Popova
Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

26 mar 2024, TU 🕝12:00


High Resolution Fourier Spectroscopy: Method, History, Research at ISAN

Sergey Alyatkin

19 mar 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Towards periodic arrays of coupled vortices in exciton-polariton condensates

Maxim S. Lozhkin

12 mar 2024, TU 🕝12:00


MBE technology at St. Petersburg State University: successes and problems

Boris F. Gribakin

5 mar 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Diffusion barrier in the nuclear spin system of lightly doped n-CdTe

Roman V. Cherbunin

27 feb 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Beating of a fragmented Bose condensate of excitonic polaritons in elliptical traps

Alex Greilich

20 feb 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Stable time crystal in a semiconductor spin system

Artur V. Trifonov

13 feb 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Nuclear spin fluctuations in photon echo

Mikhail M. Glazov

30 jan 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Linear and nonlinear exciton diffusion in two-dimensional semiconductors

Denis V. Khomitsky

23 jan 2024, TU 🕝12:00


Optical properties of the superlattices with strong spin-orbit coupling and of the quantum wells with a proximal monolayer of magnetic impurities

Seminars 2023 (Hide/Show)

Mariya Kuznecova

28 dec 2023, TH 🕝15:00


Spin Optics Laboratory Reporting Seminar

28 dec 2023, TH 🕝12:00


Competition for young scientists for the prize named after. I. Ya. Gerlovin

Mikhail B. Smirnov

19 dec 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Quantum chemical study of Raman spectra, electronic and spatial structure of Si/SiO2 superlattices.

Ivan I. Ryzhov

12 dec 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Faraday rotation and its fluctuations in halide perovskites

Research trip report

5 dec 2023, TU 🕝12:00


1. Vadim Olegovich Kozlov, “On a scientific trip to China.”
2. Roman Viktorovich Cherbunin, “On a scientific trip to Sochi”

Undergraduate and graduate students participating in the youth conference
on semiconductor physics

21 nov 2023, TU 🕝15:00


1. Vladimir Zhilyakov (supervisor I. A. Yugova), “Modeling of a spin-dependent photon echo for an ensemble of isolated three-level systems.”
2. Nikita Pakholchuk (supervisor V. M. Litvyak), “Study of the efficiency of optical cooling of the nuclear spin system in CdTe/CdZnTe quantum wells.”
3. Vladimir Berdnikov (supervisor M. S. Kuznetsova), “Dynamics of the electron-nuclear spin system in epitaxial layers of GaAs:Mn.”
4. Pavel Bazhin (supervisor K.V. Kavokin), “Study of spin-spin interactions of nuclei in a CdTe\CdZnTe quantum well.”
5. Shiming Zheng (supervisor E. S. Khramtsov and I. V. Ignatiev), “Theoretical modeling of excitonic states in quantum wells in an electric field.”

Valentina V. Litvyak (SOLAB)

14 nov 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Spin-spin interactions and relaxation processes in the nuclear spin system of a CdTe/CdZnTe quantum well

Matvey N. Bataev (2nd year Ph. D. student, SOLAB)

7 nov 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Phonons in perovskite nanocrystals

Sergey R. Melyakov (laboratory of D. R. Yakovlev, Moscow)

31 oct 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Coherent spin dynamics of electrons in CsPbBr3 crystals at room temperature

Maksim Chukeev (4th year Ph. D. student, SOLAB)

24 oct 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Excitons in heterostructures with GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells in electric fields – experiment and theory

Evgeniy A. Vashukevich
(Laboratory of Quantum Optics, St. Petersburg State University)

17 oct 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Quantum light with orbital angular momentum and its applications in quantum information science

Andrey V. Mikhailov (SOLAB)

10 oct 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Spectroscopy of excitons in CdTe/CdZnTe quantum wells

Ivan A. Solovev

3 oct 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Coherent optical dynamics of excitons and trions in semiconductor quantum wells (based on materials of the PhD thesis)

Natalia R. Grigorieva

26 sept 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Exciton states in narrow quantum wells InxGa1–xAs/GaAs

Maksim S. Lozhkin

19 sept 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Backscattering of medium-energy electrons in solids and their influence on the processes of induced deposition of hydrocarbons (based on materials of the PhD's thesis)

Sevastian V. Shapenkov

12 sept 2023, TU 🕝12:00


The relationship between the atomic structure and luminescent properties of extended defects in gallium nitride (based on materials of the PhD's thesis)

Matvey Bataev (1 y.), Zheng Shiming (2 y.), Maksim Chukeev (3 y.)
Maria Kuznecova

27 june 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Postgraduate student report for the 2022/2023 academic year, as well as a report on the laboratory’s activities for January-June 2023.

Dmitriy S. Smirnov

13 june 2023, TU 🕝14:30


Generation of many-particle entangled states of nuclear spins in FAPbBr3

Philipp S. Grigoriev (SOLAB)

9 june 2023, FR 🕝14:30


Pre-defense of student work

Philipp S. Grigoriev (SOLAB)

30 may 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Interpretation of excitation spectra of non-radiative broadening of excitons in quantum wells in a magnetic field

Andrey S. Kurdyubov (SOLAB)

16 may 2023, TU 🕝12:00


New samples with microcavities grown at the Nanophotonics Research Center of St. Petersburg State University: experimental studies and plans for the future

Irina A. Yugova (SOLAB)

2 may 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Three-pulse photon echo from an ensemble of localized excitons

Mark A. Akmaev

25 apr 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Exciton dynamics in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (based on Ph.D. thesis)

Boris F. Gribakin (SOLAB and University of Montpellier)

18 apr 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Spin-lattice relaxation of nuclei on a two-dimensional electron gas in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum well

Valentina M. Litvyak (SOLAB)

11 apr 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Manifestation of various types of nuclear spin interactions in experiments on the study of thermodynamic characteristics of a cooled n-GaAs nuclear spin system in a zero magnetic field

Sergey A. Pen'kov

4 apr 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Magnetically sensitive luminescent processes involving triplet molecules and excitons in nanostructures

Irina A. Yugova (SOLAB)

28 mar 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Three-pulse photon echo from an ensemble of localized excitons

Valerii S. Zapasskii (SOLAB)

21 mar 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Spontaneous Birefringence Noises in Glasses with Rare-Earth Ions

Roman V. Cherbunin (SOLAB)

7 mar 2023, TU 🕝12:00


The Role of the Polariton-Polariton Interaction in the Formation of Polariton Condensates with Nonzero Orbital Angular Momentum

Mikhail B. Smirnov

28 feb 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Phonons and structural instabilities in perovskites

Yuriy Serov

14 feb 2023, TU 🕝12:00


Polarization spectroscopy of a single spin in QD with its orientation through projective measurement

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