Semiconductor heterostructures, excitons, microcavities, terahertz radiation, optical spectroscopy.

Artur Trifonov
Scientific interestsSemiconductor heterostructures, excitons, microcavities, terahertz radiation, optical spectroscopy.
- A. V. Trifonov, I. A. Yugova, A. N. Kosarev, Ya. A. Babenko, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer and I. A. Akimov, Long-lived photon echo induced by nuclear spin fluctuations in charged InGaAs quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 109, L041406 (2024) (pdf)
- Mursalimov D. F., Mikhailov A. V., Kurdyubov A.S., Trifonov A. V. and Ignatiev I. V., Non-trivial dependence of spectral characteristics of excitons in quantum wells on the resonant optical excitation power, Semiconductors 56, 13, 2021 (2022) (pdf)
- A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, A. V. Mikhailov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius and I. V. Ignatiev, Nonlinear behavior of the nonradiative exciton reservoir in quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 107, 075302 (2023) (pdf)
- А.В. Михайлов, А.В. Трифонов, О.С. Султанов, И.Ю. Югова and И.В. Игнатьев, Квантовые биения экситонов с легкими и тяжелыми дырками в спектрах отражения в квантовой яме GaAs/AlGaAs, ФТП 56, 7, 672 (2022) (pdf)
- Alexander N. Kosarev, Artur V. Trifonov, Irina A. Yugova, Iskander I. Yanibekov, Sergey V. Poltavtsev, Alexander N. Kamenskii, Sven E. Scholz, Carlo Alberto Sgroi, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Manfred Bayer and Ilya A. Akimov, Extending the time of coherent optical response in ensemble of singly-charged InGaAs quantum dots, Commun Phys 5, 144 (2022) (pdf)
- Artur V. Trifonov, Stefan Grisard, Alexander N. Kosarev, Ilya A. Akimov, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Julian Höcker, Vladimir Dyakonov and Manfred Bayer, Photon Echo Polarimetry of Excitons and Biexcitons in a CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Single Crystal, ACS Photonics 9, 2, 621-629 (2022) (pdf)
- Д.Ф. Мурсалимов, А.В. Михайлов, А.С. Курдюбов, А.В. Трифонов and И.В. Игнатьев, Нетривиальная зависимость спектральных характеристик экситонов в квантовых ямах от мощности резонансного оптического возбуждения, ФТП 55, 11, 963 (2021)
D. F. Mursalimov, A. V. Mikhailov, A.S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev Non-trivial dependence of spectral characteristics of excitons in quantum wells on the resonant optical excitation power Semiconductors, 56, 13, 2021--2025 (2022) (pdf) - B. F. Gribakin, E. S. Khramtsov, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev, Exciton-exciton and exciton–charge carrier interaction and exciton collisional broadening in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 104, 205302 (2021) (pdf)
- A. V. Trifonov, I. A. Akimov, L. E. Golub, E. L. Ivchenko, I. A. Yugova, A. N. Kosarev, S. E. Scholz, C. Sgroi, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Homogeneous optical anisotropy in an ensemble of InGaAs quantum dots induced by strong enhancement of the heavy-hole band Landé parameter q, Phys. Rev. B 104, L161405 (2021) (pdf)
- A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, B. F. Gribakin, P. S. Grigoryev, A. V. Mikhailov, I. V. Ignatiev, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, M. Aßmann, M. Bayer and A. V. Kavokin, Optical control of a dark exciton reservoir, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035414 (2021) (pdf)
- A. V. Trifonov, A. S. Kurdyubov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, D. S. Smirnov, K. V. Kavokin, I. A. Yugova, M. Aßmann and A. V. Kavokin, Exciton energy oscillations induced by quantum beats, Phys. Rev. B 102, 205303 (2020) (pdf)
- E. S. Khramtsov, B. F. Gribakin, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev, Modeling of Exciton Exchange Interaction in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Semiconductors 54, 11, 1503-1505 (2020) (pdf)
- A. S. Kurdyubov, B. F. Gribakin, A. V. Mikhailov, A. V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius and I. V. Ignatiev, Energy Spectrum in a Shallow GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Probed by Spectroscopy of Nonradiative Broadening of Exciton Resonances, Semiconductors 54, 11, 1514-1517 (2020) (pdf)
- A. Casalis de Pury, X. Zheng, O. S. Ojambati, A. Trifonov, C. Grosse, M-E. Kleemann, V. Babenko, D. Purdie, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Lombardo, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, S. Hofmann and J. J. Baumberg, Localized Nanoresonator Mode in Plasmonic Microcavities, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 093901 (2020) (pdf)
- A. V. Trifonov, I. V. Ignatiev, K. V. Kavokin, A. V. Kavokin, P. Yu. Shapochkin, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev and V. A. Lovtcius, On the Suppression of Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction in a Reservoir of Nonradiative Excitons, Semiconductors 53, 9, 1170-1174 (2019)
А. В. Трифонов, И. В. Игнатьев, К. В. Кавокин, А. В. Кавокин, П. Ю. Шапочкин, Ю. П. Ефимов, С. А. Елисеев, В. А. Ловцюс Подавление электронно-дырочного обменного взаимодействия в резервуаре неизлучающих экситонов ФТП, том 53, вып. 9, 1195 (сентябрь 2019) (pdf) - G. Christmann, A. V. Trifonov, A. Tzimis, Z. Hatzopoulos, I. V. Iorsh, J. J. Baumberg and P. G. Savvidis, High-angle optically accessible Brewster cavity exciton-polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 99, 241402 (2019) (pdf)
- A. V. Trifonov, E. S. Khramtsov, K. V. Kavokin, I. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Kavokin, Y. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, P.Yu. Shapochkin, and M. Bayer, Nanosecond Spin Coherence Time of Nonradiative Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147401 (2019) (pdf)
- S. I. Tsintzos, A. Tzimis, G. Stavrinidis, A. Trifonov, Z. Hatzopoulos, J. J. Baumberg, H. Ohadi, and P. G. Savvidis, Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 037401 (2018) (pdf)
- A.V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and I. V. Ignatiev, Dynamics of Excitonic Polaritons in Semiconductor Heterostructures with Quantum Wells, IEEE Xplore 8262184, 2566 (18 January 2018) (pdf)
- Sangwan Sim, Doeon Lee, Artur V. Trifonov, Taeyoung Kim, Soonyoung Cha, Ji Ho Sung, Sungjun Cho, and Wooyoung Shim, Moon-Ho Jo, Hyunyong Choi, Ultrafast quantum beats of anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2, Nature Communications, 9(1), 351 (2018) (pdf)
- А. С. Курдюбов, А. В. Трифонов, И. Я. Герловин, Распространение терагерцовых волн вдоль тонких кристаллических пластин GaAs, Известия РАН, серия физическая 81, 1693–1696 (2017) (pdf)
- А. В. Трифонов, Ю. П. Ефимов, С. А. Елисеев, В. А. Ловцюс, П. Ю. Шапочкин, И. В. Игнатьев, Рассеяние экситонов в гетероструктурах с квантовыми ямами (In,Ga)As/GaAs, Известия РАН, серия физическая 81, 1677–1680 (2017)
A. V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and I. V. Ignatiev Exciton Scattering in Heterostructures with (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Wells Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2017, Vol. 81, No. 12, pp. 1481–1484 (pdf) - A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, and A. V. Kavokin, Impurity-activated photoinduced modulation of terahertz waves in GaAs crystal, AIP Advances 7, 115222 (2017) (pdf)
- А.С. Курдюбов, А.В. Трифонов, И.Я. Герловин , И.В. Игнатьев, А.В. Кавокин, Фотоиндуцированное поглощение терагерцeвого излучения в полуизолирующем кристалле GaAs, ФТТ 59 , 1274 (2017)
A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, and A. V. Kavokin, Photoinduced Absorption of THz Radiation in Semi-Insulating GaAs Crystal, Phys. Solid St. 59, 1298–1301 (2017) (pdf) - A. V. Trifonov, N. E. Kopteva, M. V. Durnev, I. Ya. Gerlovin, R. V. Cherbunin, A. Tzimis, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, and A. V. Kavokin, Inverse-phase Rabi oscillations in semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155304 (2017) (pdf)
A. V. Trifonov, E. D. Cherotchenko, J. L. Carthy, I. V. Ignatiev, A. Tzimis, S. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, andA. V. Kavokin , Dynamics of the energy relaxation in a parabolic quantum well laser, Phys. Rev.B 93, 125304 (14 March 2016) (pdf) -
A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin,I. V. Ignatiev, I. A. Yugova, R. V. Cherbunin, Yu.P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, V. A. Lovtcius andA. V. Kavokin , Multiple-frequency quantum beats of quantum confined exciton states, Phys. Rev.B 92, 201301( R ) (2015) (pdf) -
A. Tzimis, A. V. Trifonov, G. Christmann, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, I. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Kavokin, andP. G. Savvidis , Strong coupling and stimulated emission in single parabolic quantum well microcavity for terahertz cascade, Applied Physics Letters 107,101101 (2015) (pdf) -
A. V. Trifonov, S. N. Korotan, A. S. Kurdyubov, I. Ya. Gerlovin,I. V. Ignatiev, Yu.P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, Yu.K. Dolgikh, V. V. Ovsyankin andA. V. Kavokin , Nontrivial relaxation dynamics of excitons inhigh-quality InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev.B 91, 115307 (2015) (pdf) -
D. K. Loginov, A. V. Trifonov andI. V. Ignatiev , Effect of uniaxial stress on the interference of polaritonic waves in wide quantum wells, Phys. Rev.B 90, 075306 (2014) (pdf)