
    2024 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. V. L. Zhilyakov, I. A. Yugova, Spin-dependent photon echo for an ensemble of three-level systems, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal: Physics and Mathematics 17, 1.1, 6-11 (2024) (pdf)
  2. Gleb G. Kozlov, Ivan I. Ryzhov, Aleksei V. Kavokin and V.S. Zapasskii, Development of laser spectroscopy of spin noise, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 194, 03, 268-290 (2024)
    Г.Г. Козлов, И.И. Рыжов, А.В. Кавокин, В.С. Запасский, Развитие лазерной спектроскопии спиновых шумов, УФН 194 268–290 (2024) (pdf) (pdf)
  3. A. V. Trifonov, I. A. Yugova, A. N. Kosarev, Ya. A. Babenko, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer and I. A. Akimov, Long-lived photon echo induced by nuclear spin fluctuations in charged InGaAs quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 109, L041406 (2024) (pdf)
  4. A. V. Yulin, E. S. Sedov, A. V. Kavokin and I. A. Shelykh, Persistent polarization oscillations in ring-shape polariton condensates, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013261 (2024) (pdf)
    2023 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Михайлов А.В., Курдюбов А.С., Храмцов E.C., Игнатьев И.В., Грибакин Б.Ф., Cronenberger S., Scalbert D., Владимирова М.Р., Andre R., Экситонная динамика в квантовой яме CdTe/CdZnTe, ФТП 57, 7, 603-610 (2023)
    Mikhailov A. V., Kurdyubov A. S., Khramtsov E. S., Ignatiev I. V., Gribakin B. F., Cronenberger S., Scalbert D., Vladimirova M. R., André R., Exciton dynamics in CdTe/CdZnTe quantum well, Semiconductors 57, 7, 586-592 (2023) (pdf) (pdf)
  2. Ф.С. Григорьев, М.А. Чукеев, В.А. Ловцюс, Ю.П. Ефимов, С.А. Елисеев, Зеемановское расщепление экситонов в квантовых ямах GaAs/AlGaAs в геометрии Фарадеяmanovskoe rasshcheplenie eksitonov v kvantovykh yamakh GaAs/AlGaAs v geometrii Faradeya, ЖЭТФ 164, 5, 761-769 (2023) (pdf)
  3. V. M. Litvyak, R. V. Cherbunin, F. Yu. Soldatenkov, V. K. Kalevich, K. V. Kavokin, Manifestation of dipole-dipole and quadrupole interactions in the correlator spectrum of optically cooled nuclear spins of a bulk n-GaAs sample, Semiconductors 57, 4, 261--265 (2023)
    В.М. Литвяк, Р.В. Чербунин, Ф.Ю. Солдатенков, В.К. Калевич, К.В. Кавокин, Проявление диполь-дипольного и квадрупольного взаимодействий в спектре коррелятора оптически охлажденных ядерных спинов объемного кристалла n-GaAs, ФТП 57, 4, 265--269 (2023) (pdf) (pdf)
  4. V.S. Zapasskii, Spin noise spectroscopy of rare-earth ions in crystals, Optics and Spectroscopy 131, 4, 405--409 (2023)
    В.С. Запасский, Спектроскопия спиновых флуктуаций редкоземельных ионов в кристаллах, Оптика и спектроскопия, 131, 4, 436--440 (2023) (pdf) (pdf)
  5. Julia Bojarinova, Kirill Kavokin, Aleksandra Fedorishcheva, Dmitriy Sannikov, Roman Cherbunin, Alexander Pakhomov and Nikita Chernetsov, Oscillating magnetic field does not disrupt orientation in the presence of stellar cues in an avian migrant, J Ornithol 165, 2, 347-354 (2023) (pdf)
  6. Kirill V. Kavokin, Cooling of the Nuclear Spin System of a Nanostructure by Oscillating Magnetic Fields, Nanomaterials 13, 14, 2120 (2023) (pdf)
  7. V. M. Litvyak, R. V. Cherbunin, V. K. Kalevich and K. V. Kavokin, Local field of spin-spin interactions in the nuclear spin system of n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 108, 235204 (2023) (pdf)
  8. Litvyak Valentina M. Cherbunin Roman V. Soldatenkov Fedor Yu. Kalevich Vladimir К. Kavokin Kirill V. , Study of properties of the nuclear spin system in bulk n-GaAs by warm-up spectroscopy, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Physics and Mathematics. 16, 1.3, 20-25 (2023) (pdf)
  9. Mikhailov Andrey V. Sultanov Oleg Sh. Yugova Irina A. , Modeling of coherent dynamics of excitons in a GaAs quantum well in the pump-probe experiment, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Journal. Physics and Mathematics 16, 1.3, 79-84 (2023) (pdf)
  10. Н.Р. Григорьева, А.В. Михайлов, Е.С. Храмцов, И.В. Игнатьев, Экситонные состояния в узких квантовых ямах Inx Ga1-x As/GaAs, ФТТ 65, 11, 1899-1908 (2023) (pdf)
  11. М.А. Чукеев, Е.С. Храмцов, Шимин Чжэн, И.В. Игнатьев, С.А. Елисеев, Ю.П. Ефимов, Влияние электрического поля на экситоны в квантовой яме при дополнительном оптическом возбуждении, ФТП 57, 6, 461-468 (2023) (pdf)
  12. Junhui Cao and Alexey Kavokin, The interplay between exciton- and phonon-induced superconductivity might explain the phenomena observed in LK-99, Materials Today Communications 37, 107293 (2023) (pdf)
  13. Alexey Kavokin and Anvar Zakhidov, Comment on: The interpretation of room-temperature superconductivity experiments in LK-99, Materials Today 69, 1-3 (2023) (pdf)
  14. Elena Rozas, Evgeny Sedov, Yannik Brune, Sven Höfling, Alexey Kavokin and Marc Aßmann, Polariton–dark exciton interactions in bistable semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 108, 165411 (2023) (pdf)
  15. A. V. Yulin, I. A. Shelykh, E. S. Sedov and A. V. Kavokin, Vorticity of polariton condensates in rotating traps, Phys. Rev. B 108, 155301 (2023) (pdf)
  16. A. A. Fomin, M. Yu. Petrov, A. S. Pazgalev, G. G. Kozlov and V. S. Zapasskii, Optically driven spin-alignment precession, Phys. Rev. A 108, 043109 (2023) (pdf)
  17. Mikhail O. Nestoklon, Erik Kirstein, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Evgeny A. Zhukov, Mikhail M. Glazov, Marina A. Semina, Eugeniyus L. Ivchenko, Elena V. Kolobkova, Maria S. Kuznetsova and Manfred Bayer, Tailoring the Electron and Hole Landé Factors in Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals by Quantum Confinement and Halide Exchange, Nano Lett. 23, 17, 8218-8224 (2023) (pdf)
  18. V.O. Kozlov, I.I. Ryzhov, G.G. Kozlov, E.V. Kolobkova and V.S. Zapasskii, Spontaneous noise of birefringence in rare-earth doped glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 621, 122610 (2023) (pdf)
  19. В.М. Литвяк, Р.В. Чербунин, Ф.Ю. Солдатенков, В.К. Калевич and К.В. Кавокин, Проявление диполь-дипольного и квадрупольного взаимодействий в спектре коррелятора оптически охлажденных ядерных спинов объемного кристалла n-GaAs, ФТП 57, 4, 265 (2023)
    Litvyak V. M., Cherbunin R. V., Soldatenkov F. Yu., Kalevich V. K., Kavokin K. V., Manifestation of dipole-dipole and quadrupole interactions in the correlator spectrum of optically cooled nuclear spins of a bulk n-GaAs sample, Semiconductors 57, 4, 261-265 (2023) (pdf)
  20. М.Н. Батаев, М.С. Кузнецова, Д.В. Панькин, М.Б. Смирнов, С.Ю. Вербин, И.В. Игнатьев, И.А. Елисеев, В.Ю. Давыдов, А.Н. Смирнов and Е.В. Колобкова, Электрон-фононное взаимодействие в нанокристаллах перовскитов во фторфосфатном стекле, ФТП 57, 5, 313 (2023) (pdf)
  21. V.A. Lukoshkin, I.E. Sedova, V.K. Kalevich, E.S. Sedov, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis and A.V. Kavokin, Oscillating vorticity in single ring exciton polariton condensates, Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 14, 3, 328-333 (2023) (pdf)
  22. A. V. Yulin, I. A. Shelykh, E. S. Sedov and A. V. Kavokin, Spin resonance induced by a mechanical rotation of a polariton condensate, Phys. Rev. B 108, 045301 (2023) (pdf)
  23. Igor Chestnov, Kirill Kondratenko, Sevak Demirchyan and Alexey Kavokin, Symmetry breaking and superfluid currents in a split-ring spinor polariton condensate, Phys. Rev. B 107, 245302 (2023) (pdf)
  24. Junhui Cao and Alexey Kavokin, Optical Properties of Magnetic Monopole Excitons, Condensed Matter 8, 2, 43 (2023) (pdf)
  25. V.O. Kozlov, A.A. Fomin, I.I. Ryzhov and G.G. Kozlov, Optically stimulated electron paramagnetic resonance: Simplicity, versatility, information content, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 351, 107427 (2023) (pdf)
  26. В.С. Запасский, Спектроскопия спиновых флуктуаций редкоземельных ионов в кристаллах, Оптика и спектроскопия 131, 4, 436 (2023) (pdf)
  27. Vladimir Lukoshkin, Evgeny Sedov, Vladimir Kalevich, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis and Alexey Kavokin, Steady state oscillations of circular currents in concentric polariton condensates, Sci Rep 13, 4607 (2023) (pdf)
  28. V. O. Kozlov, N. S. Kuznetsov, A. N. Kamenskii, A. Greilich, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov and V. S. Zapasskii, Spin noise of magnetically anisotropic centers, Phys. Rev. B 107, 064427 (2023) (pdf)
  29. Degoev M. M., Afanasiev M. M., Kalevich V. K., Kavokin K. V., Kozyrev N. V., Karczewski G. and Kusrayev Yu. G., Manifestation of the exchange interaction of electrons separated by a potential barrier in double quantum wells in the Kerr effect, Physics of the Solid State 65, 1, 80 (2023)
    Дегоев М.М., Афанасьев М.М., Калевич В.К., Кавокин К.В., Козырев Н.В., Karczewski G., Кусраев Ю.Г., Проявление обменного взаимодействия электронов, разделенных потенциальным барьером в двойных квантовых ямах, в эффекте Керра, ФТТ 65, 1, 83 (2023) (pdf) (pdf)
  30. Ekaterina Aladinskaia, Roman Cherbunin, Evgeny Sedov, Alexey Liubomirov, Kirill Kavokin, Evgeny Khramtsov, Mikhail Petrov, P. G. Savvidis and Alexey Kavokin, Spatial quantization of exciton-polariton condensates in optically induced traps, Phys. Rev. B 107, 045302 (2023) (pdf)
  31. A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, A. V. Mikhailov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius and I. V. Ignatiev, Nonlinear behavior of the nonradiative exciton reservoir in quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 107, 075302 (2023) (pdf)
  32. E. Kirstein, N. E. Kopteva, D. R. Yakovlev, E. A. Zhukov, E. V. Kolobkova, M. S. Kuznetsova, V. V. Belykh, I. A. Yugova, M. M. Glazov, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Mode locking of hole spin coherences in CsPb(Cl, Br)3 perovskite nanocrystals, Nat Commun 14, 699 (2023) (pdf)
  33. Julia Bojarinova, Kirill Kavokin, Roman Cherbunin, Dmitriy Sannikov, Aleksandra Fedorishcheva, Alexander Pakhomov and Nikita Chernetsov, Sensitivity threshold of avian magnetic compass to oscillating magnetic field is species-specific, Behav Ecol Sociobiol 77, 6 (2022) (pdf)
  34. E.V. Kolobkova, R. Semaan, M.S. Kuznetsova and N.V. Nikonorov, High-temperature photoluminescence OF CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals in the fluorophosphate glasses, Journal of Luminescence 255, 119541 (2023) (pdf)
    2022 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Mursalimov D. F., Mikhailov A. V., Kurdyubov A.S., Trifonov A. V. and Ignatiev I. V., Non-trivial dependence of spectral characteristics of excitons in quantum wells on the resonant optical excitation power, Semiconductors 56, 13, 2021 (2022) (pdf)
  2. Q. Yao, E. Sedov, S. Mukherjee, J. Beaumariage, B. Ozden, K. West, L. Pfeiffer, A. Kavokin and D. W. Snoke, Ballistic transport of a polariton ring condensate with spin precession, Phys. Rev. B 106, 245309 (2022) (pdf)
  3. E.S. Sedov, V.A. Lukoshkin, V.K. Kalevich, I.Yu. Chestnov, Z. Hatzopoulos, P.G. Savvidis and A.V. Kavokin, Double ring polariton condensates with polariton vortices, Nanosystems: Phys. Chem. Math. 13, 6, 608-614 (2022) (pdf)
  4. Р. М. Архипов, П. А. Белов, М. В. Архипов, А. В. Пахомов, Н. Н. Розанов, Управление свойствами наноструктур с помощью предельно коротких световых импульсов, Квантовая электроника, 52, 7, 610–614 (2022) (pdf)
  5. I. Kh. Akopyan, M. E. Labzovskaya, B. V. Novikov and A. Yu. Serov, On the Nature of Stimulated Emission in ZnO in a Wide Temperature Range, Phys. Solid State 64, 1, 1-5 (2022)
    И.Х. Акопян, М.Э. Лабзовская, Б.В. Новиков, А.Ю. Серов, Природа стимулированного излучения ZnO в широком температурном интервале, ФТТ 63, 12, 2157--2161 (2021) (pdf) (pdf)
  6. F. Godejohann, R. R. Akhmadullin, K. V. Kavokin, D. R. Yakovlev, I. A. Akimov, B. R. Namozov, Yu. G. Kusrayev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz and M. Bayer, Trion magnetic polarons in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 106, 195305 (2022) (pdf)
  7. А. А. Галиуллин, С. Г. Мартанов, М. Л. Скориков, Е. В. Колобкова, М. С. Кузнецова, A. Ю. Кунцевич, Простая герметичная камера с контролируемой температурой для оптической микроскопии, Приборы и техника эксперимента 6, 137-139 (2022) (pdf)
  8. Pavel Belov and Nicolai Reshetikhin, The two-point correlation function in the six-vertex model, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 15, 155001 (2022) (pdf)
  9. E. V. Kolobkova, A. V. Makurin, A. Yu. Dadykin and M. S. Kuznetsova, Effect of Cadmium Ions on the Growth of CsPbxCD1 – xBr3 Nanocrystals in Fluorophosphate Glass, Glass Phys Chem 48, 5, 403-409 (2022) (pdf)
  10. Kuznetsova M. S., Bataev M. N., Chukeev M. A., Rostovtsev N.D., Verbin S. Yu., Ignatiev I. V., Davydov V. Yu., Smirnov A. N., Eliseyev I. A. and Kolobkova E. V., Anti-Stokes photoluminescence of perovskite CsPbBr3 nanocrystals in a fluorophosphate glass matrix, Optics and Spectroscopy 130, 11, 1472 (2022)
    М.С. Кузнецова, М.Н. Батаев, М.А. Чукеев, Н.Д. Ростовцев, С.Ю. Вербин, И.В. Игнатьев, В.Ю. Давыдов, А.Н. Смирнов, И.А. Елисеев and Е.В. Колобкова, Антистоксова люминесценция перовскитных нанокристаллов CsPbBr3 во фторфосфатной стеклянной матрице, Оптика и спектроскопия 130, 11, 1739 (2022) (pdf) (pdf)
  11. Zapasskii V. S., Kozlov G. G. and Ryzhov I. I., Spin Noise Spectroscopy: Three Plots, Optics and Spectroscopy 130, 11, 1404 (2022)
    В.С. Запасский, Г.Г. Козлов and И.И. Рыжов Спектроскопия спиновых шумов: три сюжета, Оптика и спектроскопия 130, 11, 1666 (2022) (pdf) (pdf)
  12. Evgeniya Moshkina, Alexander Krylov, Dieter Kokh, Ksenia Shabanova, Maxim Molokeev, Asya Bovina, Mikhail Plyaskin, Nikita Rostovtsev and Leonard Bezmaternykh, Multicomponent flux growth and composition control of Cu2MnBO5:Ga ludwigites, CrystEngComm 24, 19, 3565-3575 (2022) (pdf)
  13. P. A. Belov, Linewidth broadenings of the electron impurity resonant states in quantum wells with infinite barriers, AIP Conference Proceedings 2551, 020001 (2022) (pdf)
  14. Dmitry S Smirnov, Johannes Holler, Michael Kempf, Jonas Zipfel, Philipp Nagler, Mariana V Ballottin, Anatolie A Mitioglu, Alexey Chernikov, Peter C M Christianen, Christian Schüller and Tobias Korn, Valley-magnetophonon resonance for interlayer excitons, 2D Mater. 9, 4, 045016 (2022) (pdf)
  15. I. A. Solovev, I. I. Yanibekov, I. A. Babenko, B. V. Stroganov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovcjus, Yu. P. Efimov, S. V. Poltavtsev, Yu. V. Kapitonov and I. A. Yugova, Manipulation of optical coherence of quantum-well excitons by transverse magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 106, 115401 (2022) (pdf)
  16. Д.К. Логинов and А.В. Донец, Энергия относительного движения электрона и дырки в экситоне во внешнем электрическом поле в пластине GaAs, 64, 11, 1656 (2022) (pdf)
  17. K. V. Kavokin, Compass in the ear: can animals sense magnetic fields with hair cells?, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. , (2022) (pdf)
  18. А.В. Михайлов, А.В. Трифонов, О.С. Султанов, И.Ю. Югова and И.В. Игнатьев, Квантовые биения экситонов с легкими и тяжелыми дырками в спектрах отражения в квантовой яме GaAs/AlGaAs, ФТП 56, 7, 672 (2022) (pdf)
  19. C. Rittmann, M. Yu. Petrov, A. N. Kamenskii, K. V. Kavokin, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Unveiling the electron-nuclear spin dynamics in an n-doped InGaAs epilayer by spin noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 106, 035202 (2022) (pdf)
  20. V. O. Kozlov, N. S. Kuznetsov, D. S. Smirnov, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov and V. S. Zapasskii, Spin Noise in Birefringent Media, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 077401 (2022) (pdf)
  21. Alexander N. Kosarev, Artur V. Trifonov, Irina A. Yugova, Iskander I. Yanibekov, Sergey V. Poltavtsev, Alexander N. Kamenskii, Sven E. Scholz, Carlo Alberto Sgroi, Arne Ludwig, Andreas D. Wieck, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Manfred Bayer and Ilya A. Akimov, Extending the time of coherent optical response in ensemble of singly-charged InGaAs quantum dots, Commun Phys 5, 144 (2022) (pdf)
  22. M. N. Bataev, M. A. Chukeev, M. M. Sharipova, P. A. Belov, P. S. Grigoryev, E. S. Khramtsov, I. V. Ignatiev, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius and Yu. P. Efimov, Heavy-hole–light-hole exciton system in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 106, 085407 (2022)
    Erratum: Phys. Rev. B 107 119902 (2023) (pdf) (pdf)
  23. Artur V. Trifonov, Stefan Grisard, Alexander N. Kosarev, Ilya A. Akimov, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Julian Höcker, Vladimir Dyakonov and Manfred Bayer, Photon Echo Polarimetry of Excitons and Biexcitons in a CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Single Crystal, ACS Photonics 9, 2, 621-629 (2022) (pdf)
  24. Vasilii V. Belykh, Mikhail L. Skorikov, Evgeniya V. Kulebyakina, Elena V. Kolobkova, Maria S. Kuznetsova, Mikhail M. Glazov and Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Submillisecond Spin Relaxation in CsPb(Cl,Br)3 Perovskite Nanocrystals in a Glass Matrix, Nano Lett. 22, 4583 (2022) (pdf)
  25. M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, A. Colombier, D. Scalbert, V. M. Litvyak, K. V. Kavokin and A. Lemaître, Simultaneous measurements of nuclear-spin heat capacity, temperature, and relaxation in GaAs microstructures, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155305 (2022) (pdf)
  26. Pavel A. Belov, Linewidths and energy shifts of electron-impurity resonant states in quantum wells with infinite barriers, Phys. Rev. B 105, 155417 (2022) (pdf)
  27. Y. C. Balas, E. S. Sedov, G. G. Paschos, Z. Hatzopoulos, H. Ohadi, A. V. Kavokin and P. G. Savvidis, Stochastic Single-Shot Polarization Pinning of Polariton Condensate at High Temperatures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 117401 (2022) (pdf)
  28. Evgeny Sedov, Mikhail Glazov and Alexey Kavokin, Spin-Selective Currents of Tamm Polaritons, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 024037 (2022) (pdf)
  29. A. N. Kamenskii, V. O. Kozlov, N. S. Kuznetsov, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov, M. Bayer, A. Greilich and V. S. Zapasskii, Invariants in the paramagnetic resonance spectra of impurity-doped crystals, Phys. Rev. B 105, 014416 (2022) (pdf)
    2021 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. D. E. Tsurikov, Calculation of electron transport in branched semiconductor nanostructures using quantum network model, Appl. Phys. A 128, 3 (2021) (pdf)
  2. Д.Ф. Мурсалимов, А.В. Михайлов, А.С. Курдюбов, А.В. Трифонов and И.В. Игнатьев, Нетривиальная зависимость спектральных характеристик экситонов в квантовых ямах от мощности резонансного оптического возбуждения, ФТП 55, 11, 963 (2021)
    D. F. Mursalimov, A. V. Mikhailov, A.S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev Non-trivial dependence of spectral characteristics of excitons in quantum wells on the resonant optical excitation power Semiconductors, 56, 13, 2021--2025 (2022) (pdf)
  3. V. M. Litvyak, R. V. Cherbunin, V. K. Kalevich, A. I. Lihachev, A. V. Nashchekin, M. Vladimirova and K. V. Kavokin, Warm-up spectroscopy of quadrupole-split nuclear spins in n-GaAs epitaxial layers, Phys. Rev. B 104, 235201 (2021) (pdf)
  4. Д.К. Логинов, П.А. Белов, И.Я. Герловин and И.В. Игнатьев, Влияние электрического поля на движущийся экситон в GaAs, ФТП 55, 9, 779 (2021)
    D. K. Loginov, P. A. Belov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, and I. V. Ignatiev, Effect of an Electric Field on an Exciton Moving in GaAs, Semiconductors, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 1030–1035 (2021) (pdf)
  5. A. N. Kamenskii, E. I. Baibekov, B. Z. Malkin, G. G. Kozlov, M. Bayer, A. Greilich and V. S. Zapasskii, Nonlinear Faraday effect and spin noise in rare-earth activated crystals, Phys. Rev. B 104, 174430 (2021) (pdf)
  6. А.Е. Евдокимов, М.С. Кузнецова, А.В. Михайлов, К.В. Кавокин and Р.И. Джиоев, Релаксация электронного спина и резонансное охлаждение ядерных спинов в структурах GaAs : Mn, ФТП 55, 9, 738 (2021) (pdf)
  7. Evgeny Sedov, Sergey Arakelian and Alexey Kavokin, Spontaneous symmetry breaking in persistent currents of spinor polaritons, Sci Rep 11, 22382 (2021) (pdf)
  8. A. V. Trifonov, I. A. Akimov, L. E. Golub, E. L. Ivchenko, I. A. Yugova, A. N. Kosarev, S. E. Scholz, C. Sgroi, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Homogeneous optical anisotropy in an ensemble of InGaAs quantum dots induced by strong enhancement of the heavy-hole band Landé parameter q, Phys. Rev. B 104, L161405 (2021) (pdf)
  9. B. F. Gribakin, E. S. Khramtsov, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev, Exciton-exciton and exciton–charge carrier interaction and exciton collisional broadening in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 104, 205302 (2021) (pdf)
  10. Philipp S. Grigoryev, Vasilii V. Belykh, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Emmanuel Lhuillier and Manfred Bayer, Coherent Spin Dynamics of Electrons and Holes in CsPbBr3 Colloidal Nanocrystals, Nano Lett. 21, 19, 8481-8487 (2021) (pdf)
  11. T. S. Shamirzaev, A. V. Shumilin, D. S. Smirnov, J. Rautert, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Dynamic polarization of electron spins in indirect band gap (In,Al)As/AlAs quantum dots in a weak magnetic field: Experiment and theory, Phys. Rev. B 104, 115405 (2021) (pdf)
  12. Mladen Kotur, Daniel O. Tolmachev, Valentina M. Litvyak, Kirill V. Kavokin, Dieter Suter, Dmitri R. Yakovlev and Manfred Bayer, Ultra-deep optical cooling of coupled nuclear spin-spin and quadrupole reservoirs in a GaAs/(Al,Ga)As quantum well, Commun Phys 4, 193 (2021) (pdf)
  13. E. Evers, N. E. Kopteva, I. A. Yugova, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Shielding of external magnetic field by dynamic nuclear polarization in (In,Ga)As quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 104, 075302 (2021) (pdf)
  14. A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, B. F. Gribakin, P. S. Grigoryev, A. V. Mikhailov, I. V. Ignatiev, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, M. Aßmann, M. Bayer and A. V. Kavokin, Optical control of a dark exciton reservoir, Phys. Rev. B 104, 035414 (2021) (pdf)
  15. E.V. Kolobkova, M.S. Kuznetsova and N.V. Nikonorov, Perovskite CsPbX3 (X=Cl, Br, I) Nanocrystals in fluorophosphate glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 563, 120811 (2021) (pdf)
  16. I. A. Solovev, I. I. Yanibekov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovcjus, I. A. Yugova, S. V. Poltavtsev and Yu. V. Kapitonov, Long-lived dark coherence brought to light by magnetic-field controlled photon echo, Phys. Rev. B 103, 235312 (2021) (pdf)
  17. M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, M. S. Kuznetsova and K. V. Kavokin, Electron-induced nuclear magnetic ordering in n-type semiconductors, Phys. Rev. B 103, 205207 (2021) (pdf)
  18. Carlos Anton-Solanas, Maximilian Waldherr, Martin Klaas, Holger Suchomel, Tristan H. Harder, Hui Cai, Evgeny Sedov, Sebastian Klembt, Alexey V. Kavokin, Sefaattin Tongay, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Sven Höfling and Christian Schneider, Bosonic condensation of exciton–polaritons in an atomically thin crystal, Nat. Mater. 20, 9, 1233-1239 (2021) (pdf)
  19. A. A. Fomin, M. Yu. Petrov, G. G. Kozlov, A. K. Vershovskii, M. M. Glazov and V. S. Zapasskii, Anomalous light-induced broadening of the spin-noise resonance in cesium vapor, Phys. Rev. A 103, 042820 (2021) (pdf)
  20. E. Evers, N. E. Kopteva, I. A. Yugova, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Suppression of nuclear spin fluctuations in an InGaAs quantum dot ensemble by GHz-pulsed optical excitation, npj Quantum Inf 7, 60 (2021) (pdf)
  21. Evgeny Sedov, Irina Sedova, Sergey Arakelian and Alexey Kavokin, Polygonal patterns of confined light, Opt. Lett. 46, 8, 1836 (2021) (pdf)
  22. Matthias Reichelt, Hendrik Rose, Alexander N. Kosarev, Sergey V. Poltavtsev, Manfred Bayer, Ilya A. Akimov, Christian Schneider, Martin Kamp, Sven Höfling and Torsten Meier, Controlling the emission time of photon echoes by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum-dot ensembles, Proc. SPIE 11684, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXV, 116840X, (2021) (pdf)
  23. P A Belov, Increase in the radiative decay rate of the indirect exciton due to application of the magnetic field, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1851, 1, 012011 (2021) (pdf)
  24. A. A. Fomin, M. Yu. Petrov, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii and M. M. Glazov, Nonlinear spectroscopy of high-spin fluctuations, Phys. Rev. A 103, 023104 (2021) (pdf)
  25. G. G. Kozlov, A. A. Fomin, M. Yu. Petrov, I. I. Ryzhov and V. S. Zapasskii, Raman scattering model of the spin noise, Opt. Express 29, 4, 4770 (2021) (pdf)
  26. E. S. Sedov, V. A. Lukoshkin, V. K. Kalevich, P. G. Savvidis and A. V. Kavokin, Circular polariton currents with integer and fractional orbital angular momenta, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013072 (2021) (pdf)
  27. Д.К. Логинов и А.В. Донец, Зависимость светоэкситонного взаимодействия от ширины квантовой ямы во внешнем однородном электрическом поле, ФТТ 63, 4, 457 (2021)
    D. K. Loginov, and A. V. Donets Dependence of the Exciton-Light Coupling on the Quantum Well Width in an External Uniform Electric Field Physics of the Solid State, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 548–555 (2021) (?) (pdf)
  28. Vasily Kravtsov, Aleksey D Liubomirov, Roman V Cherbunin, Alessandro Catanzaro, Armando Genco, Daniel Gillard, Evgeny M Alexeev, Tatiana Ivanova, Ekaterina Khestanova, Ivan A Shelykh, Alexander I Tartakovskii, Maurice S Skolnick, Dmitry N Krizhanovskii and Ivan V Iorsh, Spin–valley dynamics in alloy-based transition metal dichalcogenide heterobilayers, 2D Mater. 8, 2, 025011 (2021) (pdf)
  29. D S Smirnov, V N Mantsevich and M M Glazov, Theory of optically detected spin noise in nanosystems, Phys.-Usp. 64, 9, 923-946 (2021)
    Д.С. Смирнов, В.Н. Манцевич, М.М. Глазов, Теория оптически детектируемых спиновых флуктуаций в наносистемах, УФН 191, 09, 973–998 (2021) (pdf)
    2020 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Alexander N. Kosarev, Hendrik Rose, Sergey V. Poltavtsev, Matthias Reichelt, Christian Schneider, Martin Kamp, Sven Höfling, Manfred Bayer, Torsten Meier and Ilya A. Akimov, Accurate photon echo timing by optical freezing of exciton dephasing and rephasing in quantum dots, Commun Phys 3, 228 (2020) (pdf)
  2. P A Belov, The limit shape of the height function in the six-vertex model with domain-wall boundary conditions, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1697, 012086 (2020) (pdf)
  3. K. V. Kavokin, Nonlinear high-frequency magnetic response of magnetoferritin metacrystals governed by spin thermodynamics, Phys. Rev. B 102, 195417 (2020) (pdf)
  4. A. V. Kavokin, Y. M. Galperin and A. A. Varlamov, Proposed Model of the Giant Thermal Hall Effect in Two-Dimensional Superconductors: An Extension to the Superconducting Fluctuation Regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 217005 (2020) (pdf)
  5. A. V. Trifonov, A. S. Kurdyubov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, D. S. Smirnov, K. V. Kavokin, I. A. Yugova, M. Aßmann and A. V. Kavokin, Exciton energy oscillations induced by quantum beats, Phys. Rev. B 102, 205303 (2020) (pdf)
  6. I. Kh. Akopyan, M. E. Labzovskaya, B. V. Novikov, A. Yu. Serov, N. G. Filosofov and N. R. Grigor’eva, On the Nature of the Near-Edge Radiation of ZnO at Room Temperature, Phys. Solid State 62, 11, 2138-2142 (2020)
    И. Х. Акопян, М. Э. Лабзовская, Б. В. Новиков, А. Ю. Серов, Н. Г. Философов, Н. Р. Григорьева, О природе близкраевого излучения ZnO при комнатной температуре ФТТ 62, 1902-1906 (2020) (pdf)
  7. V. M. Litvyak, R. V. Cherbunin, V. K. Kalevich and K. V. Kavokin, Determination of the Quadrupole Splitting in Bulk n-GaAs by Warm-Up Spectroscopy, Semiconductors 54, 12, 1728-1729 (2020) (pdf)
  8. A. D. Liubomirov, V. Kravtsov and R. V. Cherbunin, Spin-Valley Dynamics of Interlayer Excitons in Heterobilayers MoxW1–xSe2/WSe2, Semiconductors 54, 11, 1518-1521 (2020) (pdf)
  9. E. S. Khramtsov, B. F. Gribakin, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev, Modeling of Exciton Exchange Interaction in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Semiconductors 54, 11, 1503-1505 (2020) (pdf)
  10. A. S. Kurdyubov, B. F. Gribakin, A. V. Mikhailov, A. V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius and I. V. Ignatiev, Energy Spectrum in a Shallow GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Probed by Spectroscopy of Nonradiative Broadening of Exciton Resonances, Semiconductors 54, 11, 1514-1517 (2020) (pdf)
  11. Xuekai Ma, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Alexey Kavokin and Stefan Schumacher, Chiral condensates in a polariton hexagonal ring, Opt. Lett. 45, 20, 5700 (2020) (pdf)
  12. I I Yanibekov, I A Solovev, S A Eliseev, Yu P Efimov, V A Lovcjus and Yu V Kapitonov, Difference in the behavior of the photon echo of excitons in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells from the predictions of the model of two-level system ensemble, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1482, 012020 (2020) (pdf)
  13. S.A. Dyakov, F. Spitzer, I. Akimov, D.A. Yavsin, S.I. Pavlov, S.Y. Verbin, S.G. Tikhodeev, N.A. Gippius, A.B. Pevtsov and M. Bayer, Wide band enhancement of transverse magneto-optic Kerr effect in magnetite, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1461, 012033 (2020) (pdf)
  14. D. K. Loginov, P. A. Belov, V. G. Davydov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Kavokin and Y. Masumoto, Exciton-polariton interference controlled by electric field, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033510 (2020) (pdf)
  15. E. A. Zhukov, V. N. Mantsevich, D. R. Yakovlev, N. E. Kopteva, E. Kirstein, A. Waag, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz and M. Bayer, Renormalization of the electron g factor in the degenerate two-dimensional electron gas of ZnSe- and CdTe-based quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 102, 125306 (2020) (pdf)
  16. O. S. Ken, E. A. Zhukov, I. A. Akimov, V. L. Korenev, N. E. Kopteva, I. V. Kalitukha, V. F. Sapega, A. D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, R. Schott, Yu. G. Kusrayev, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Effect of electric current on the optical orientation of interface electrons in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B 102, 045302 (2020) (pdf)
  17. E S Sedov, I E Sedova, S M Arakelian and A V Kavokin, Magnetic control over the zitterbewegung of exciton–polaritons, New J. Phys. 22, 8, 083059 (2020) (pdf)
  18. Stella Kutrovskaya, Anton Osipov, Stepan Baryshev, Anton Zasedatelev, Vladislav Samyshkin, Sevak Demirchyan, Olivia Pulci, Davide Grassano, Lorenzo Gontrani, Richard Rudolph Hartmann, Mikhail E. Portnoi, Alexey Kucherik, Pavlos G. Lagoudakis and Alexey Kavokin, Excitonic Fine Structure in Emission of Linear Carbon Chains, Nano Lett. , acs.nanolett.0c02244 (2020) (pdf)
  19. B F Gribakin, R V Cherbunin and K V Kavokin, Estimation of the magnitude of the Ruderman-Kittel interaction in 3d and 2d GaAs crystals, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1482, 012001 (2020) (pdf)
  20. Christoph Rupprecht, Evgeny Sedov, Martin Klaas, Heiko Knopf, Mark Blei, Nils Lundt, Sefaattin Tongay, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Ulrike Schulz, Alexey Kavokin, Falk Eilenberger, Sven Höfling and Christian Schneider, Manipulation of room-temperature valley-coherent exciton-polaritons in atomically thin crystals by real and artificial magnetic fields, 2D Mater. 7, 3, 035025 (2020) (pdf)
  21. S. V. Poltavtsev, R. I. Dzhioev, V. L. Korenev, I. A. Akimov, D. Kudlacik, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Steplike spectral distribution of photoelectrons at the percolation threshold in heavily p-doped GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 102, 014204 (2020) (pdf)
  22. Stella Kutrovskaya, Igor Chestnov, Anton Osipov, Vlad Samyshkin, Irina Sapegina, Alexey Kavokin and Alexey Kucherik, Electric field assisted alignment of monoatomic carbon chains, Sci Rep 10, 9709 (2020) (pdf)
  23. A. N. Kamenskii, A. Greilich, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov, M. Bayer and V. S. Zapasskii, Giant spin-noise gain enables magnetic resonance spectroscopy of impurity crystals, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023317 (2020) (pdf)
  24. I. I. Ryzhov, V. O. Kozlov, N. S. Kuznetsov, I. Yu. Chestnov, A. V. Kavokin, A. Tzimis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, G. G. Kozlov and V. S. Zapasskii, Spin noise signatures of the self-induced Larmor precession, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022064 (2020) (pdf)
  25. R. V. Cherbunin, V. M. Litviak, I. I. Ryzhov, A. V. Koudinov, S. Elsässer, A. Knapp, T. Kiessling, J. Geurts, S. Chusnutdinow, T. Wojtowicz and G. Karczewski, High-resolution resonance spin-flip Raman spectroscopy of pairs of manganese ions in a CdTe quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 101, 241301 (2020) (pdf)
  26. P A Belov, Optically active energy states of the exciton in quantum wells of various widths, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1482, 012018 (2020) (pdf)
  27. Evgeny Sedov, Vladimir Lukoshkin, Vladimir Kalevich, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Pavlos Savvidis and Alexey Kavokin, Persistent Currents in Half-Moon Polariton Condensates, ACS Photonics 7, 5, 1163-1170 (2020) (pdf)
  28. D. S. Smirnov and K. V. Kavokin, Optical resonance shift spin-noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 101, 235416 (2020) (pdf)
  29. Evgeny Sedov, Irina Sedova, Sergey Arakelian, Giuseppe Eramo and Alexey Kavokin, Hybrid optical fiber for light-induced superconductivity, Sci Rep 10, 8131 (2020) (pdf)
  30. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, A. N. Kosarev, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, S. Chusnutdinow, T. Wojtowicz, I. A. Akimov and M. Bayer, In-plane anisotropy of the hole g factor in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells studied by spin-dependent photon echoes, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023160 (2020) (pdf)
  31. А.К. Вершовский, С.П. Дмитриев, Г.Г. Козлов, А.С. Пазгалев and М.В. Петренко, Проекционный спиновый шум в оптических квантовых датчиках на тепловых атомах, ЖТФ 90, 8, 1243 (2020)
    A. K. Vershovskii, S. P. Dmitriev, G. G. Kozlov, A. S. Pazgalev & M. V. Petrenko, Projection Spin Noise in Optical Quantum Sensors Based on Thermal Atoms, Tech. Phys. 65, 1193–1203 (2020) (pdf)
  32. D. Kudlacik, K. V. Kavokin, C. Lüders, K. Barthelmi, J. J. Schindler, H. Moldenhauer, P. Waldkirch, V. F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, A. Waag, M. Bayer and J. Debus, Asymmetric spin transitions of nonthermalized Mn2+ ions in (Zn,Mn)Se-based quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 101, 155432 (2020) (pdf)
  33. L. A. Astakhova, A. Yu. Rotov, K. V. Kavokin, N. S. Chernetsov and M. L. Firsov, Relationship between Avian Magnetic Compass and Photoreception: Hypotheses and Unresolved Questions, Biol Bull Rev 10, 1, 1-10 (2020) (pdf)
  34. Julia Bojarinova, Kirill Kavokin, Alexander Pakhomov, Roman Cherbunin, Anna Anashina, Maria Erokhina, Maria Ershova and Nikita Chernetsov, Magnetic compass of garden warblers is not affected by oscillating magnetic fields applied to their eyes, Sci Rep 10, 3473 (2020) (pdf)
  35. A. Casalis de Pury, X. Zheng, O. S. Ojambati, A. Trifonov, C. Grosse, M-E. Kleemann, V. Babenko, D. Purdie, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Lombardo, G. A. E. Vandenbosch, S. Hofmann and J. J. Baumberg, Localized Nanoresonator Mode in Plasmonic Microcavities, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 093901 (2020) (pdf)
  36. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, Ia. A. Babenko, I. A. Akimov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, S. Chusnutdinow, T. Wojtowicz and M. Bayer, Quantum beats in the polarization of the spin-dependent photon echo from donor-bound excitons in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 101, 081409 (2020) (pdf)
  37. P. A. Belov, An Estimate for the Nonradiative Linewidths of the Quasibound Electron-Hole Pairs in Narrow Quantum Wells, Semiconductors 53, 16, 2049-2051 (2020) (pdf)
  38. D. K. Loginov and A. V. Donets, Dependence of the Longitudinal-Transverse Exciton Splitting in a Quantum Well on an External Homogeneous Electric Field, Phys. Solid State 62, 2, 246-251 (2020)
    Д. К. Логинов и А. В. Донец Зависимость продольно-поперечного расщепления экситона в квантовой яме от внешнего однородного электрического поля ФТТ, 62, вып. 2, c. 208-213 (2020) (pdf)
  39. A. V. Kavokin, B. L. Altshuler, S. G. Sharapov, P. S. Grigoryev and A. A. Varlamov, The Nernst effect in Corbino geometry, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 117, 6, 2846-2851 (2020) (pdf)
  40. M. S. Kuznetsova, J. Rautert, K. V. Kavokin, D. S. Smirnov, D. R. Yakovlev, A. K. Bakarov, A. K. Gutakovskii, T. S. Shamirzaev and M. Bayer, Electron-nuclei interaction in the X valley of (In,Al)As/AlAs quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 101, 075412 (2020) (pdf)
  41. A. A. Fomin, M. Yu. Petrov, G. G. Kozlov, M. M. Glazov, I. I. Ryzhov, M. V. Balabas and V. S. Zapasskii, Spin-alignment noise in atomic vapor, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012008 (2020) (pdf)
  42. A. N. Kamenskii, M. Yu. Petrov, G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii, S. E. Scholz, C. Sgroi, A. Ludwig, A. D. Wieck, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Detection and amplification of spin noise using scattered laser light in a quantum-dot microcavity, Phys. Rev. B 101, 041401 (2020) (pdf)
    2019 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Dario Ballarini, Igor Chestnov, Davide Caputo, Milena De Giorgi, Lorenzo Dominici, Kenneth West, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Giuseppe Gigli, Alexey Kavokin and Daniele Sanvitto, Self-Trapping of Exciton-Polariton Condensates in GaAs Microcavities, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 047401 (2019) (pdf)
  2. D. Caputo, E. S. Sedov, D. Ballarini, M. M. Glazov, A. V. Kavokin and D. Sanvitto, Magnetic control of polariton spin transport, Commun Phys 2, 165 (2019) (pdf)
  3. M. M. Sharipova, A. N. Kamenskii, I. I. Ryzhov, M. Yu. Petrov, G. G. Kozlov, A. Greilich, M. Bayer and V. S. Zapasskii, Stimulated spin noise in an activated crystal, Journal of Applied Physics 126, 14, 143901 (2019) (pdf)
  4. S I Pavlov, A B Pevtsov, S A Dyakov, D A Yavsin, F Spitzer, I Akimov, S Y Verbin, S G Tikhodeev, N A Gippius, A V Nashchekin and M Bayer, Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in magnetoplasmonic waveguide structures based on Fe3O4, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1400, 066014 (2019) (pdf)
  5. A K Fedorov, A V Akimov, J D Biamonte, A V Kavokin, F Ya Khalili, E O Kiktenko, N N Kolachevsky, Y V Kurochkin, A I Lvovsky, A N Rubtsov, G V Shlyapnikov, S S Straupe, A V Ustinov and A M Zheltikov, Quantum technologies in Russia, Quantum Sci. Technol. 4, 4, 040501 (2019) (pdf)
  6. P. Yu. Shapochkin, S.A. Eliseev, V.A. Lovtcius, Yu. P. Efimov, P.S. Grigoryev, E.S. Khramtsov and I.V. Ignatiev, Excitonic Probe for Characterization of High-Quality Quantum-Well Heterostructures, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034034 (2019) (pdf)
  7. A. N. Kosarev, S. V. Poltavtsev, L. E. Golub, M. M. Glazov, M. Salewski, N. V. Kozyrev, E. A. Zhukov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, S. Chusnutdinow, T. Wojtowicz, I. A. Akimov and M. Bayer, Microscopic dynamics of electron hopping in a semiconductor quantum well probed by spin-dependent photon echoes, Phys. Rev. B 100, 121401 (2019) (pdf)
  8. N. E. Kopteva, E. Kirstein, E. A. Zhukov, M. Hussain, A. S. Bhatti, A. Pawlis, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer and A. Greilich, Spin dephasing of electrons and holes in isotopically purified ZnSe/(Zn,Mg)Se quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 100, 205415 (2019) (pdf)
  9. S. A. Dyakov, I. M. Fradkin, N. A. Gippius, L. Klompmaker, F. Spitzer, E. Yalcin, I. A. Akimov, M. Bayer, D. A. Yavsin, S. I. Pavlov, A. B. Pevtsov, S. Y. Verbin and S. G. Tikhodeev, Wide-band enhancement of the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect in magnetite-based plasmonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B 100, 214411 (2019) (pdf)
  10. Nils Lundt, Łukasz Dusanowski, Evgeny Sedov, Petr Stepanov, Mikhail M. Glazov, Sebastian Klembt, Martin Klaas, Johannes Beierlein, Ying Qin, Sefaattin Tongay, Maxime Richard, Alexey V. Kavokin, Sven Höfling and Christian Schneider, Optical valley Hall effect for highly valley-coherent exciton-polaritons in an atomically thin semiconductor, Nat. Nanotechnol. 14, 8, 770-775 (2019) (pdf)
  11. Victor V. Titov, Andrey A. Lisachenko, Mariana E. Labzovskaya, Irina Kh. Akopyan and Boris V. Novikov, Exciton Channel of Photoactivation for Redox Reactions on the Surface of 2D ZnO Nanostructures, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 45, 27399-27405 (2019) (pdf)
  12. Elena Kolobkova, Maria Sergeevna Kuznetsova and Nikolai Nikonorov, Ag/Na Ion Exchange in Fluorophosphate Glasses and Formation of Ag Nanoparticles in the Bulk and on the Surface of the Glass, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2, 11, 6928-6938 (2019) (pdf)
  13. Evgeny S. Sedov, Yuri G. Rubo and Alexey V. Kavokin, Polariton polarization rectifier, Light Sci Appl 8, 79 (2019) (pdf)
  14. A. V. Trifonov, I. V. Ignatiev, K. V. Kavokin, A. V. Kavokin, P. Yu. Shapochkin, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev and V. A. Lovtcius, On the Suppression of Electron-Hole Exchange Interaction in a Reservoir of Nonradiative Excitons, Semiconductors 53, 9, 1170-1174 (2019)
    А. В. Трифонов, И. В. Игнатьев, К. В. Кавокин, А. В. Кавокин, П. Ю. Шапочкин, Ю. П. Ефимов, С. А. Елисеев, В. А. Ловцюс Подавление электронно-дырочного обменного взаимодействия в резервуаре неизлучающих экситонов ФТП, том 53, вып. 9, 1195 (сентябрь 2019) (pdf)
  15. Л. А. Астахова, А. Ю. Ротов, К. В. Кавокин, Н. С. Чернецов, М. Л. Фирсов, Связь магнитного компаса и фоторецепции у птиц: гипотезы и нерешенные вопросы, Ж. Общей Биологии 80, 2, 83-94 (2019) (pdf)
  16. G. Christmann, A. V. Trifonov, A. Tzimis, Z. Hatzopoulos, I. V. Iorsh, J. J. Baumberg and P. G. Savvidis, High-angle optically accessible Brewster cavity exciton-polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 99, 241402 (2019) (pdf)
  17. T. S. Shamirzaev, J. Rautert, D. R. Yakovlev, M. M. Glazov and M. Bayer, Intrinsic and magnetic-field-induced linear polarization of excitons in ultrathin indirect-gap type-II GaAs/AlAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 99, 155301 (2019) (pdf)
  18. V. S. Zapasskii, Polarimetry of Regular and Stochastic Signals in Magnetooptics, Phys. Solid State 61, 5, 847-852 (2019)
    Запасский В.С. Поляриметрия регулярных и стохастических сигналов в магнитооптике ФТТ 61, 5, 946 (2019) (pdf)
  19. D. Schmidt, B. Berger, M. Kahlert, M. Bayer, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, E. S. Sedov, A. V. Kavokin, and M. Aßmann, Tracking Dark Excitons with Exciton Polaritons in Semiconductor Microcavities, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 047403 (2019) (pdf)
  20. A. V. Trifonov, E. S. Khramtsov, K. V. Kavokin, I. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Kavokin, Y. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, P.Yu. Shapochkin, and M. Bayer, Nanosecond Spin Coherence Time of Nonradiative Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 147401 (2019) (pdf)
  21. Nataliia E. Kopteva, Irina A. Yugova, Evgeny A. Zhukov, Erik Kirstein, Eiko Evers, Vasilii V. Belykh, Vladimir L. Korenev, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Manfred Bayer and Alex Greilich, Theoretical Modeling of the Nuclear-Field Induced Tuning of the Electron Spin Precession for Localized Spins, Phys. Status Solidi B , 1800534 (2019) (pdf)
  22. Vasilii V. Belykh, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Mikhail M. Glazov, Philipp S. Grigoryev, Mujtaba Hussain, Janina Rautert, Dmitry N. Dirin, Maksym V. Kovalenko and Manfred Bayer, Coherent spin dynamics of electrons and holes in CsPbBr3 perovskite crystals, Nat Commun 10, 673 (2019) (pdf)
  23. S. V. Poltavtsev, Yu. V. Kapitonov, I. A. Yugova, I. A. Akimov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz and M. Bayer, Polarimetry of photon echo on charged and neutral excitons in semiconductor quantum wells, Sci Rep 9, 5666 (2019) (pdf)
  24. A E Evdokimov, M S Kuznetsova, M Yu Petrov, R A Potekhin, Yu P Efimov, S A Eliseev, V A Lovtcius and P Yu Shapochkin, Strongly-coupled electron and nuclear spin systems in InGaAs epilayers, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1199, 012002 (2019) (pdf)
  25. E. S. Khramtsov, P. S. Grigoryev, D. K. Loginov, I. V. Ignatiev, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, P. Yu. Shapochkin, E. L. Ivchenko and M. Bayer, Exciton spectroscopy of optical reflection from wide quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 99, 035431 (2019) (pdf)
  26. P. S. Sokolov, M. Yu. Petrov, K. V. Kavokin, M. S. Kuznetsova, S. Yu. Verbin, I. Ya. Gerlovin, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Subsecond nuclear spin dynamics in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 99, 075307 (2019) (pdf)
  27. M. Król, R. Mirek, D. Stephan, K. Lekenta, J.-G. Rousset, W. Pacuski, A. V. Kavokin, M. Matuszewski, J. Szczytko, and B. Piętka, Giant spin Meissner effect in a nonequilibrium exciton-polariton gas, Phys. Rev. B 99, 115318 (2019) (pdf)
    Патенты 2019 года Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Патент на полезную модель № 187695 "Инфракрасный фотодетектор" Авторы: Капитонов Юрий Владимирович (RU) и Вербин Сергей Юрьевич (RU)
  2. Патент на полезную модель № 187697 "Поляритонное устройство для определения градиента температуры" Авторы: Трифонов Артур Валерьевич (RU), Кавокин Алексей Витальевич (RU), Саввидис Павлос Георгиос (RU) и Вербин Сергей Юрьевич (RU)
  3. Зарегистрирован РИД, полезная модель № 185920 "Узкоспектральный оптический фильтр" Автор: Кавокин Алексей Витальевич (RU)
    2018 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Y. M. Galperin, D. Grassano, V. P. Gusynin, A. V. Kavokin, O. Pulci, S. G. Sharapov, V. O. Shubnyi and A. A. Varlamov, Entropy Signatures of Topological Phase Transitions, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 127, 5, 958-983 (2018) (pdf)
  2. S. A. Dyakov, F. Spitzer, I. Akimov, D. A. Yavsin, S. I. Pavlov, S. Y. Verbin, S. G. Tikhodeev, N. A. Gippius, A. B. Pevtsov and M. Bayer, Transverse Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in Magnetite Covered by Array of Gold Nanostripes, Semiconductors 52, 14, 1857-1860 (2018) (pdf)
  3. Sergei Verbin, Nobel nominations in physics (1900-1966): The experience of an initial systematization, Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki 39, 4, 681-710 (2018)
    С. Ю. Вербин, Номинирование на нобелевские премии по физике (1900-1966): опыт первоначальной систематизации, Вопросы истории естествознания и техники. Т. 39. №4. С. 681-710 (2018) (pdf)
  4. I A Solovev, Yu V Kapitonov, B V Stroganov, Yu P Efimov, S A Eliseev and S V Poltavtsev, Separation of inhomogeneous and homogeneous broadening manifestations in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by time-resolved four-wave mixing, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1124, 051042 (2018) (pdf)
  5. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Solovev, I. A. Akimov, V. V. Chaldyshev, W. V. Lundin, A. V. Sakharov, A. F. Tsatsulnikov, D. R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Long coherent dynamics of localized excitons in (In,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 98, 195315 (2018) (pdf)
  6. A. V. Mikhailov, V. V. Belykh, D. R. Yakovlev, P. S. Grigoryev, J. P. Reithmaier, M. Benyoucef and M. Bayer, Electron and hole spin relaxation in InP-based self-assembled quantum dots emitting at telecom wavelengths, Phys. Rev. B 98, 205306 (2018) (pdf)
  7. G. G. Kozlov, I. I. Ryzhov, A. Tzimis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, M. Bayer and V. S. Zapasskii, Hidden polarization of unpolarized light, Phys. Rev. A 98, 043810 (2018) (pdf)
  8. Pavel Yu. Shapochkin, Maksim S. Lozhkin, Ivan A. Solovev, Olga A. Lozhkina, Yury P. Efimov, Sergey A. Eliseev, Vyacheslav A. Lovcjus, Gleb G. Kozlov, Anastasia A. Pervishko, Dmitry N. Krizhanovskii, Paul M. Walker, Ivan A. Shelykh, Maurice S. Skolnick and Yury V. Kapitonov, Polarization-resolved strong light-matter coupling in planar GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides, Opt. Lett. 43, 18, 4526 (2018) (pdf)
  9. I. Yu. Chestnov, T. A. Khudaiberganov, A. P. Alodjants and A. V. Kavokin, Heat-assisted self-localization of exciton polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 98, 115302 (2018) (pdf)
  10. Yago del Valle-Inclan Redondo, Hamid Ohadi, Yuri G Rubo, Orr Beer, Andrew J Ramsay, Symeon I Tsintzos, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Pavlos G Savvidis and Jeremy J Baumberg, Erratum: Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz (2018 New J. Phys. 20 075008), New J. Phys. 20 089601 (2018) (pdf)
  11. Max Waldherr, Nils Lundt, Martin Klaas, Simon Betzold, Matthias Wurdack, Vasilij Baumann, Eliezer Estrecho, Anton Nalitov, Evgenia Cherotchenko, Hui Cai, Elena A. Ostrovskaya, Alexey V. Kavokin, Sefaattin Tongay, Sebastian Klembt, Sven Höfling and Christian Schneider, Observation of bosonic condensation in a hybrid MoSe2-GaAs microcavity, Nature Communications 9, 3286 (2018) (pdf)
  12. E. Evers, V. V. Belykh, N. E. Kopteva, I. A. Yugova, A. Greilich, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, and M. Bayer, Decay and revival of electron spin polarization in an ensemble of (In,Ga)As quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 98, 075309 (2018) (pdf)
  13. Cristofolini, Peter and Hatzopoulos, Z. and Savvidis, Pavlos G. and Baumberg, Jeremy J., Generation of Quantized Polaritons below the Condensation Threshold, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 067401 (2018) (pdf)
  14. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, I. A. Akimov, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer, Photon Echo from Localized Excitons in Semiconductor Nanostructures, Physics of the Solid State, 2018, Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 1635 (2018)
    [Полтавцев С.В., Югова И.А., Акимов И.А., Яковлев Д.Р., Bayer M. Фотонное эхо на локализованных экситонах в полупроводниковых наноструктурахФизика твердого тела, 2018, том 60, вып. 8] (pdf)
  15. G. Li, A.S. Sheremet, R. Ge, T.C.H. Liew, and A.V. Kavokin, Design for a Nanoscale Single-Photon Spin Splitter for Modes with Orbital Angular Momentum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 053901 (2018) (pdf)
  16. V. Rumyantsev, S. Fedorov, K. Gumennyk, D. Gurov, A. Kavokin, Effects of elastic strain and structural defects on slow light modes in a one-dimensional array of microcavities, Superlatt. Microstruct., 120, 642 (2018) (pdf)
  17. Yago del Valle-Inclan Redondo, Hamid Ohadi, Yuri G Rubo, Orr Beer, Andrew J Ramsay, Symeon I Tsintzos, Zacharias Hatzopoulos, Pavlos G Savvidis and Jeremy J Baumberg, Stochastic spin flips in polariton condensates: nonlinear tuning from GHz to sub-Hz, New J. Phys. 20 089601 (2018) (pdf)
  18. V.V. Belykh, A. Yu. Kuntsevich, M.M. Glazov, K.V. Kavokin, D.R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer, Quantum Interference Controls the Electron Spin Dynamics in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. X 8, 031021 (2018) (pdf)
  19. S. I. Tsintzos, A. Tzimis, G. Stavrinidis, A. Trifonov, Z. Hatzopoulos, J. J. Baumberg, H. Ohadi, and P. G. Savvidis, Electrical Tuning of Nonlinearities in Exciton-Polariton Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 037401 (2018) (pdf)
  20. G.G. Paschos, T. C. H. Liew, Z. Hatzopoulos, A. V. Kavokin, P. G. Savvidis, G. Deligeorgis, An exciton-polariton bolometer for terahertz radiation detection, Scientific Reports 8:10092 (2018) (pdf)
  21. D. M. Myers, B. Ozden, M. Steger, E. Sedov, A. Kavokin, K. West, L. N. Pfeiffer, and D. W. Snoke, Superlinear increase of photocurrent due to stimulated scattering into a polariton condensate, Phys. Rev. B 98, 045301 (2018) (pdf)
  22. E. S. Sedov, Y. G. Rubo, and A. V. Kavokin, Zitterbewegung of exciton-polaritons, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245312 (2018) (pdf)
  23. I. A. Solovev, S. V. Poltavtsev, Yu. V. Kapitonov, I. A. Akimov, S. Sadofev, J. Puls, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer, Coherent dynamics of localized excitons and trions in ZnO/(Zn,Mg)O quantum wells studied by photon echoes, Phys. Rev. B 97, 245406 (2018) (pdf)
  24. A. Askitopoulos, A. V. Nalitov, E. S. Sedov, L. Pickup, E. D. Cherotchenko, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, and P. G. Lagoudakis, All-optical quantum fluid spin beam splitter, Phys. Rev. B 97, 235303 (2018) (pdf)
  25. V. A. Lukoshkin, V. K. Kalevich, M. M. Afanasiev, K. V. Kavokin, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, E. S. Sedov, and A. V. Kavokin, Persistent circular currents of exciton-polaritons in cylindrical pillar microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 97, 195149 (2018) (pdf)
  26. P. A. Belov, E. S. Khramtsov, P. S. Grigoryev, and I. V. Ignatiev, Numerical Study of the Exciton-light Coupling in Quantum Wells, IEEE Xplore 8261746, 258 (18 January 2018) (pdf)
  27. A.V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and I. V. Ignatiev, Dynamics of Excitonic Polaritons in Semiconductor Heterostructures with Quantum Wells, IEEE Xplore 8262184, 2566 (18 January 2018) (pdf)
  28. E. A. Zhukov, E. Kirstein, N. E. Kopteva, F. Heisterkamp, I. A. Yugova, V. L. Korenev, D. R. Yakovlev, A. Pawlis, M. Bayer & A. Greilich, Discretization of the total magnetic field by the nuclear spin bath in fluorine-doped ZnSe, Nature Communications, 9(1), 1941 (2018) (pdf)
  29. Mantsevich, V. N. and Glazov, M. M., Fluctuations of tunneling currents in photonic and polaritonic systems, Phys. Rev. B 97, 155308 (2018) (pdf)
  30. M. Kotur, R. I. Dzhioev, M. Vladimirova, R. V. Cherbunin, P. S. Sokolov, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, D. Suter, and K. V. Kavokin, Spin-lattice relaxation of optically polarized nuclei in p-type GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 97, 165206 (2018) (pdf)
  31. M.S. Kuznetsova, R.V. Cherbunin, V.M. Litvyak, E.V. Kolobkova, Spectroscopy of PbS and PbSe quantum dots in fluorine phosphate glasses, Semiconductors 52, 558 (2018) (pdf)
  32. Ia. A. Babenko, I. A. Yugova, S. V. Poltavtsev, M. Salewski, I. A. Akimov, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, D. R. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, Photon Echo from an Ensemble of (In,Ga)As Quantum Dots, Semiconductors, 52, 4, 531-534 (2018) [Fizika i Technika poluprovodnikov 52, 4, 485, 2018] (pdf)
  33. M. Yu. Petrov, A. N. Kamenskii, V. S. Zapasskii, M. Bayer, and A. Greilich, Increased sensitivity of spin noise spectroscopy using homodyne detection in n-doped GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 97, 125202 (2018) (pdf)
  34. Ia.A. Babenko, I.A. Yugova, S.V. Poltavtsev, M. Salewski, I.A. Akimov, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, D.R. Yakovlev and M. Bayer, Studies of photon echo from exciton ensemble in (In,Ga)As quantum dots, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 951, 012029 (2018) (pdf)
  35. Petros Skopelitis, Evgenia D. Cherotchenko, Alexey V. Kavokin, and Anna Posazhennikova, Interplay of Phonon and Exciton-Mediated Superconductivity in Hybrid Semiconductor-Superconductor Structures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 107001 (2018) (pdf)
  36. M. Yu. Petrov, I. I. Ryzhov, D. S. Smirnov, L. Yu. Belyaev, R. A. Potekhin, M. M. Glazov, V. N. Kulyasov, G. G. Kozlov, E. B. Aleksandrov, and V. S. Zapasskii, Homogenization of Doppler broadening in spin-noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. A 97, 032502 (2018) (pdf)
  37. Ilya A. Akimov, Sergey V. Poltavtsev, Matthias Salewski, Irina A. Yugova, Grzegorz Karczewski, Maciej Wiater, Tomasz Wojtowicz, Matthias Reichelt, Torsten Meier, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Manfred Bayer, Coherent optical spectroscopy of charged exciton complexes in semiconductor nanostructures, Proc. SPIE 10530, Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII, 105300G (22 February 2018) (pdf)
  38. G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii, and P. Yu. Shapochkin, Heterodyne detection of scattered light: application to mapping and tomography of optically inhomogeneous media, Appl. Opt. 57, B170-B178 (2018) (pdf)
  39. T. Gao, G. Li, E. Estrecho, T. C. H. Liew, D. Comber-Todd, A. Nalitov, M. Steger, K. West, L. Pfeiffer, D.W. Snoke, A. V. Kavokin, A. G. Truscott, and E. A. Ostrovskaya, Chiral Modes at Exceptional Points in Exciton-Polariton Quantum Fluids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 065301 (2018) (pdf)
  40. V M Litvyak, R V Cherbunin, K V Kavokin and V K Kalevich, Determination of the local field in the nuclear spin system of n-type GaAs, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 951, 012006 (2018) (pdf)
  41. Sedova, I.E., Chestnov, I.Y., Arakelian, S.M., Kavokin, A.V. , Sedov, E.S, Control of propagation of spatially localized polariton wave packets in a Bragg mirror with embedded quantum wells, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 951, 1, 012009 (30 January 2018) (pdf)
  42. G. G. Kozlov, I. I. Ryzhov, V. S. Zapasskii, Spin noise spectroscopy of randomly moving spins in the model of light scattering: two-beam arrangement, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013848. (2018) (pdf)
  43. Sangwan Sim, Doeon Lee, Artur V. Trifonov, Taeyoung Kim, Soonyoung Cha, Ji Ho Sung, Sungjun Cho, and Wooyoung Shim, Moon-Ho Jo, Hyunyong Choi, Ultrafast quantum beats of anisotropic excitons in atomically thin ReS2, Nature Communications, 9(1), 351 (2018) (pdf)
  44. N. Lundt, E. Cherotchenko, O. Iff, X. Fan, Y. Shen, P. Bigenwald, A. V. Kavokin, S. Höfling, and C. Schneider, The interplay between excitons and trions in a monolayer of MoSe2, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 031107 (2018) (pdf)
  45. T. C. H. Liew and A. V. Kavokin, Optically induced transparency in bosonic cascade lasers, Optics Letters Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 259–262 (2018) (pdf)
  46. M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, I. I. Ryzhov, V. S. Zapasskii, G. G. Kozlov, A. Lemaître, and K. V. Kavokin, Spin temperature concept verified by optical magnetometry of nuclear spins, Phys. Rev. B 97, 041301( R ) (2018) (pdf)
    2017 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Kang Gao, Ivan Solovev, Mark Holmes, Munetaka Arita and Yasuhiko Arakawa, Nanosecond-scale spectral diffusion in the single photon emission of a GaN quantum dot, AIP Advances 7, 125216 (2017) (pdf)
  2. I. Yu. Chestnov, E. S. Sedov, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, S. M. Arakelian, and A. V. Kavokin, One-dimensional Tamm plasmons: Spatial confinement, propagation, and polarization properties, Phys. Rev. B 96, 245309 (26 December 2017) (pdf)
  3. A.V. Koudinov, A. Knapp, G. Karczewski, and J. Geurts, Series of “fractional” peaks in multiple paramagnetic resonance Raman scattering by (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 96, 241303( R ) (19 December 2017) (pdf)
  4. А. С. Курдюбов, А. В. Трифонов, И. Я. Герловин, Распространение терагерцовых волн вдоль тонких кристаллических пластин GaAs, Известия РАН, серия физическая 81, 1693–1696 (2017) (pdf)
  5. В.М. Литвяк, Р.В. Чербунин и А.А. Онущенко, Температурная зависимость оптических переходов квантовых точек PbS в силикатных стеклах, Известия РАН, серия физическая 81, 1686–1688 (2017) (pdf)
  6. А. В. Трифонов, Ю. П. Ефимов, С. А. Елисеев, В. А. Ловцюс, П. Ю. Шапочкин, И. В. Игнатьев, Рассеяние экситонов в гетероструктурах с квантовыми ямами (In,Ga)As/GaAs, Известия РАН, серия физическая 81, 1677–1680 (2017)
    A. V. Trifonov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and I. V. Ignatiev Exciton Scattering in Heterostructures with (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Wells Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2017, Vol. 81, No. 12, pp. 1481–1484 (pdf)
  7. D. N. Bukharov, S. M. Arakelyan, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, A. V. Osipov, A. V. Istratov, T. A. Vartanyan, T. E. Itina, and A. V. Kavokin, Fractal bimetallic plasmonic structures obtained by laser deposition of colloidal nanoparticles, AIP Conference Proceedings 1874, 030021 (2017) (pdf)
  8. V. V. Belykh, K. V. Kavokin, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer, Electron charge and spin delocalization revealed in the optically probed longitudinal and transverse spin dynamics in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 96, 241201 (2017) (pdf)
  9. I. A. Solovev, Yu. V. Kapitonov, V. G. Davydov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, and V. V. Ovsyankin, Bleaching compensation in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells by above-barrier illumination, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 929, 012090 (2017) (pdf)
  10. E. S. Sedov & A. V. Kavokin, Artificial gravity effect on spin-polarized exciton-polaritons, Scientific Reports 7, 9797 (2017) (pdf)
  11. S. Kutrovskaya, S. Arakelian, A. Kucherik, A. Osipov, A. Evlyukhin, and A. V. Kavokin, The Synthesis of Hybrid Gold-Silicon Nano Particles in a Liquid, Scientific Reports 7, 10284 (2017) (pdf)
  12. R. P. Seisyan, A. V. Kavokin, Kh. Moumanis, and M. E. Sasin, Effect of a Coulomb Well in (In, Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Wells, Phys. Solid State 59, 1154-1170 (2017) [ФТТ 59б 1133-1149 (2017)] (pdf)
  13. Alexey Kavokin, Stella Kutrovskaya, Alexey Kucherik, Anton Osipov, Tigran Vartanyan, Sergey Arakelyan, The crossover between tunnel and hopping conductivity in granulated films of noble metals, Superlatt. Microstr. 111, 335-339 (2017) (pdf)
  14. Alexey Kavokin, Stella Kutrovskaya, Giuseppe Eramo, Tran D. Phong, Nguyen Tran Thuat, Stimulated absorption of light in bosonic cascades of excitons, Superlatt. Microstr. 109, 454-456 (2017) (pdf)
  15. A.V. Nalitov, S. De Liberato, P. Lagoudakis , P.G. Savvidis, A.V. Kavokin, Bosonic cascades of indirect excitons, Superlatt. Microstr. 108, 27-31 (2017) (pdf)
  16. P. S. Sokolov, M. Yu. Petrov, K. V. Kavokin, A. S. Kurdyubov, M. S. Kuznetsova, R. V. Cherbunin, S. Yu. Verbin, N. K. Poletaev, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Suter, and M. Bayer, Nuclear spin cooling by helicity-alternated optical pumping at weak magnetic fields in n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 96, 205205 (2017) (pdf)
  17. A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, and A. V. Kavokin, Impurity-activated photoinduced modulation of terahertz waves in GaAs crystal, AIP Advances 7, 115222 (2017) (pdf)
  18. Alexander N. Poddubny, Valentina Mikhailovna Litvyak, Mikhail O. Nestoklon, Roman V. Cherbunin, Valerii Viktorovich Golubkov, Petr Alexeevich Onushchenko, Anastasiya Nikolaevna Babkina, Alexei Arkadievich Onushchenko, and Serguei V. Goupalov, The Role of Valley Anisotropy in Optical Absorption of Monodisperse PbS Nanocrystals, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121 (49), pp 27766–27773 (2017) (pdf)
  19. E. V. Kolobkova, Zh. Lipatova, M. S. Kuznetsova, and N. Nikonorov, Fluorine Phosphate Glasses Doped with Cadmium Sulfide and Selenide Quantum Dots with High Quantum Efficiency at Room-temperature, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2017), pages 328-333 (2017) (pdf)
  20. P. S. Grigoryev, M. M. Glazov, A. V. Kavokin, and A. A. Varlamov, Ferromagnetism in the vicinity of Lifshitz topological transitions, Phys. Rev. B 96, 205415 (2017) (pdf)
  21. I. A. Akimov, M. Salewski, I. V. Kalitukha, S. V. Poltavtsev, J. Debus, D. Kudlacik, V. F. Sapega, N. E. Kopteva, E. Kirstein, E. A. Zhukov, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, V. L. Korenev, Yu. G. Kusrayev, and M. Bayer, Direct measurement of the long-range p − d exchange coupling in a ferromagnet-semiconductor Co/CdMgTe/CdTe quantum well hybrid structure, Phys. Rev. B 96, 184412 (2017) (pdf)
  22. E. V. Kolobkova, M. S. Kuznetsova, and N. V. Nikonorov, The Influence of Low-Temperature Silver-Ion Exchange on the Spectral-Luminescent Properties of Fluorophosphate Glasses Doped with PbSe, Optics and Spectroscopy, 2017, Vol. 123, No. 3, pp. 375–382 (pdf)
  23. P. S. Grigoryev, I. V. Ignatiev, V. G. Davydov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and M. Bayer, Exciton-light coupling in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum wells in a longitudinal magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 96, 155404 (2017) (pdf)
  24. A. Pakhomov, J. Bojarinova, Roman Cherbunin, Raisa Chetverikova, Philipp S. Grigoryev, Kirill Kavokin, Dmitry Kobylkov, Regina Lubkovskaja and Nikita Chernetsov, Very weak oscillating magnetic field disrupts the magnetic compass of songbird migrants, J. R. Soc. Interface 14, 0364 (2017) (pdf)
  25. M. E. Lebedev, D. A. Dolinina, Kuo-Bin Hong, Tien-Chang Lu , A. V. Kavokin, A. P. Alodjants, Exciton-polariton Josephson junctions at finite temperatures, Sci. Rep. 7, 9515 (2017) (pdf)
  26. Daniel Schmidt, Bernd Berger, Manfred Bayer, Christian Schneider, Martin Kamp, Sven Höfling, Evgeny Sedov, Alexey Kavokin, and Marc Aßmann, Dynamics of the optical spin Hall effect, Phys. Rev. B 96, 075309 (2017) (pdf)
  27. P. Yu. Shapochkin, Yu. V. Kapitonov, S. V. Poltavtsev, M. S. Lozhkin, O. A. Lozhkina, A. D. Manukhova, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtsyus, V. V. Petrov, I. A. Solov’ev and G. G. Kozlov, A theory of excitation of a planar semiconductor optical waveguide using a diffraction grating: Single-scattering approximation, Opt. Spectr. 122, No. 2, pp. 303–314 (2017) (pdf)
  28. V S Zapasskii and G G Kozlov , Evolution in the optical detection of magnetization, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 60 628 (2017)
    В. С. Запасский, Г. Г. Козлов, Эволюция оптических методов детектирования намагниченности УФН, 187:6, 675–686 (2017) (pdf)
  29. Д. А. Зайцев, А. В. Кавокин, Р. П. Сейсян, Рассеяние экситонного поляритона на примесных центрах в GaAs, ЖЭТФ, 2017, том 151, вып. 4, стр. 767–775 (pdf)
  30. R. W. Mocek, V. L. Korenev, M. Bayer, M. Kotur, R. I. Dzhioev, D. O. Tolmachev, G. Cascio, K. V. Kavokin, and D. Suter, High-efficiency optical pumping of nuclear polarization in a GaAs quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 96, 201303 (2017) (pdf)
  31. M. Salewski, S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, D. R. Yakovlev, I. A. Akimov, T. Meier, and M. Bayer, High-Resolution Two-Dimensional Optical Spectroscopy of Electron Spins, Phys. Rev. X 7, 031030 (14 August 2017) (pdf)
  32. S. V. Poltavtsev, A. N. Kosarev, I. A. Akimov, D. R. Yakovlev, S. Sadofev, J. Puls, S. P. Hoffmann, M. Albert, C. Meier, T. Meier, and M. Bayer, Time-resolved photon echoes from donor-bound excitons in ZnO epitaxial layers, Phys. Rev. B 96, 035203 (2017) (pdf)
  33. S. V. Poltavtsev, M. Reichelt, I. A. Akimov, G. Karczewski, M. Wiater, T. Wojtowicz, D. R. Yakovlev, T. Meier, and M. Bayer, Damping of Rabi oscillations in intensity-dependent photon echoes from exciton complexes in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te single quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 96, 075306 (2017) (pdf)
  34. A. V. Nalitov, T. C. H. Liew, A. V. Kavokin, B. L. Altshuler, and Y. G. Rubo, Spontaneous Polariton Currents in Periodic Lateral Chains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 067406 (11 August 2017) (pdf)
  35. Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Md Zunaid Baten, Ivan Iorsh, Thomas Frost, Alexey Kavokin, and Pallab Bhattacharya, Room-Temperature Spin Polariton Diode Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 067701 (2017) (pdf)
  36. S. Yu. Bodnar, P. S. Grigoryev, D. K. Loginov, V. G. Davydov, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, E. V. Ubyivovk, V. Yu. Mikhailovskii, and I. V. Ignatiev, Exciton mass increase in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well in a transverse magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195311 (2017) (pdf)
  37. А.С. Курдюбов, А.В. Трифонов, И.Я. Герловин , И.В. Игнатьев, А.В. Кавокин, Фотоиндуцированное поглощение терагерцeвого излучения в полуизолирующем кристалле GaAs, ФТТ 59 , 1274 (2017)
    A. S. Kurdyubov, A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, and A. V. Kavokin, Photoinduced Absorption of THz Radiation in Semi-Insulating GaAs Crystal, Phys. Solid St. 59, 1298–1301 (2017) (pdf)
  38. M. S. Kuznetsova, Electron–Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor QDs, Appl. Magn. Reson. Vol. 48, No. 4, 1-21 (July 2017) (pdf)
  39. M. S. Kuznetsova, R. V. Cherbunin, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, S. Yu. Verbin, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, and M. Bayer, Spin dynamics of quadrupole nuclei in InGaAs quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155312 (2017) (pdf)
  40. G. G. Kozlov, I. I. Ryzhov, and V. S. Zapasskii, Light scattering in a medium with fluctuating gyrotropy: Application to spin-noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. A 95, 043810 (2017) (pdf)
  41. P A Belov and E S Khramtsov, The binding energy of excitons in narrow quantum wells, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 816, 012018 (2017) (pdf)
  42. A. V. Trifonov, N. E. Kopteva, M. V. Durnev, I. Ya. Gerlovin, R. V. Cherbunin, A. Tzimis, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, and A. V. Kavokin, Inverse-phase Rabi oscillations in semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155304 (2017) (pdf)
  43. I. A. Akimov, T. Godde, K. V. Kavokin, D. R. Yakovlev, I. I. Reshina, I. V. Sedova, S. V. Sorokin, S. V. Ivanov, Yu. G. Kusrayev, and M. Bayer, Dynamics of exciton magnetic polarons in CdMnSe/CdMgSe quantum wells: Effect of self-localization, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155303 (2017) (pdf)
  44. M. Vladimirova, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, M. Kotur, R. I. Dzhioev, I. I. Ryzhov, G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii, A. Lemaître, and K. V. Kavokin, Nuclear spin relaxation in n-GaAs: From insulating to metallic regime, Phys. Rev. B 95, 125312 (2017) (pdf)
  45. Komolkin AV, Kupriyanov P, Chudin A, Bojarinova J, Kavokin K, Chernetsov N., Theoretically possible spatial accuracy of geomagnetic maps used by migrating animals, J. R. Soc. Interface 14: 20161002 (pdf)
  46. Kavokin K, Can a hybrid chemical-ferromagnetic model of the avian compass explain its outstanding sensitivity to magnetic noise, PLoS (Public Library Of Science) ONE 12(3): e0173887 (pdf)
  47. Yafeng Wang, Liming Liao, Tao Hu, Song Luo, Lin Wu, Jun Wang, Zhe Zhang, Wei Xie, Liaoxin Sun, A. V. Kavokin, Xuechu Shen, and Zhanghai Chen, Exciton-Polariton Fano Resonance Driven by Second Harmonic Generation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 063602 (2017) (pdf)
  48. D. S. Smirnov and M. M. Glazov, Stochastic Faraday rotation induced by the electric current fluctuations in nanosystems, Phys. Rev. B 95, 045406 (2017) (pdf)
  49. M. Salewski, S. V. Poltavtsev, Yu. V. Kapitonov, J. Vondran, D. R. Yakovlev, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, R. Oulton, I. A. Akimov, A. V. Kavokin, and M. Bayer , Photon echoes from (In,Ga)As quantum dots embedded in a Tamm-plasmon microcavity, Phys. Rev. B 95, 035312 (2017) (pdf)
    2016 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. P. S. Grigoryev, A. S. Kurdiubov, M. S. Kuznetsova, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin, and I. V. Ignatiev, Microscopic Modeling of Exciton Spectra in Asymmetric Quantum Wells, AIP Conference Proceedings 1748, 050006 (2016) (pdf)
  2. A. V. Shumilin, E. Ya. Sherman, and M. M. Glazov , Spin dynamics of hopping electrons in quantum wires: Algebraic decay and noise, Phys. Rev. B 94, 125305 (2016) (pdf)
  3. M. Kotur, R. I. Dzhioev, M. Vladimirova, B. Jouault, V. L. Korenev, and K. V. Kavokin , Nuclear spin warm up in bulk n-GaAs, Phys. Rev. B 94, 081201( R ) (2016) (pdf)
  4. Aniruddha Bhattacharya, Md Zunaid Baten, Ivan Iorsh, Thomas Frost, Alexey Kavokin, and Pallab Bhattacharya , Output polarization characteristics of a GaN microcavity diode polariton laser, Phys. Rev. B 94, 035203 (2016) (pdf)
  5. P. S. Grigoryev, A. S. Kurdyubov, M. S. Kuznetsova, I. V. Ignatiev, Yu.P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, V. A. Lovtcius, P. Yu. Shapochkin , Excitons in asymmetric quantum wells, Superlattices and Microstructures, 97, Pages 452–462 (September 2016) (pdf)
  6. E. A. Zhukov, Yu.G. Kusrayev, K. V. Kavokin, D. R. Yakovlev, J. Debus, A. Schwan, I. A. Akimov, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, M. Bayer , Optical orientation of hole magnetic polarons in (Cd,Mn)Te/(Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245305 (13 June 2016) (pdf)
  7. I. I. Ryzhov, M. M. Glazov, A. V. Kavokin, G. G. Kozlov, M. Aßmann, P. Tsotsis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, M. Bayer, and V. S. Zapasskii , Spin noise of a polariton laser, Phys. Rev. B 93, 241307( R ) (2016) (pdf)
  8. Alexey Kavokin and Pavlos Lagoudakis , Exciton-mediated superconductivity, Nature Materials 15, 599–600 (2016) (pdf)
  9. P. S. Grigoryev, O. A. Yugov, S. A. Eliseev, Yu. P. Efimov, V. A. Lovtcius, V. V. Petrov, V. F. Sapega and I. V. Ignatiev , Inversion of Zeeman splitting of exciton states in InGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 93, 205425 (2016) (pdf)
  10. A. V. Koudinov, C. Kehl, G. Astakhov, J. Geurts, T. Wojtowicz and G. Karczewski , Symmetry properties of n-doped (Cd,Mn)Te quantum well photoluminescence spectra: An exemplary evidence for anisotropy-induced valence-band mixing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 191113 (2016) (pdf)
  11. E. S. Khramtsov, P. A. Belov, P. S. Grigoryev, I. V. Ignatiev, S. Yu. Verbin, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, V. V. Petrov and S. L. Yakovlev , Radiative decay rate of excitons in square quantum wells: Microscopic modeling and experiment, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 184301 (May 2016) (pdf)
  12. A. S. Sheremet, O. V. Kibis, A. V. Kavokin, and I. A. Shelykh , Datta-and-Das spin transistor controlled by a high-frequency electromagnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 93, 165307 (2016) (pdf)
  13. A. V. Koudinov, R. I. Dzhioev, V. L. Korenev, V. F. Sapega, and Yu. G. Kusrayev , Optical spin orientation of minority holes in a modulation-doped GaAs/(Ga,Al)As quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 93, 165301 (5 April 2016) (pdf)
  14. D. K. Loginov, P. S. Grigoryev, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. A. Lovtcius, V. V. Petrov, E. V. Ubyivovk, I. V. Ignatiev , Reduction of exciton mass by uniaxial stress in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells, physica status solidi (b), vol. 253, num. 8, pp.1537–1544 (August 2016) [arXiv:1505.02105] (pdf)
  15. A. V. Trifonov, E. D. Cherotchenko, J. L. Carthy, I. V. Ignatiev, A. Tzimis, S. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, and A. V. Kavokin , Dynamics of the energy relaxation in a parabolic quantum well laser, Phys. Rev. B 93, 125304 (14 March 2016) (pdf)
  16. S. V. Poltavtsev, M. Salewski, Yu. V. Kapitonov, I. A. Yugova, I. A. Akimov, C. Schneider, M. Kamp, S. Höfling, D. R. Yakovlev, A. V. Kavokin, and M. Bayer , Photon echo transients from an inhomogeneous ensemble of semiconductor quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 93, 121304( R ) (10 March 2016) (pdf)
  17. P. Andreakou, A. V. Mikhailov, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, A. Nalitov, A. V. Kavokin, M. Nawrocki, L. V. Butov, K. L. Campman, A. C. Gossard, and M. Vladimirova , Influence of magnetic quantum confined Stark effect on the spin lifetime of indirect excitons, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115410 (2016) (pdf)
  18. Yuri G. Rubo, Alexandra Sheremet, and Alexey Kavokin , Second-order correlations in an exciton-polariton Rabi oscillator, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115315 (28 March 2016) (pdf)
  19. V. A. Lukoshkin, V. K. Kalevich, M. M. Afanasiev, K. V. Kavokin, S. I. Tsintzos, P. G. Savvidis, Z. Hatzopoulos, A. V. Kavokin, Controlled switching between quantum states in the exciton–polariton condensate, JETP Letters, 103:5, 313-315 (2016)
    В. А. Лукошкин, В. К. Калевич, М. М. Афанасьев, К. В. Кавокин, С. И. Цинцос, П. Г. Саввидис, З. Хацопулос и А. В. Кавокин Управляемое переключение между квантовыми состояниями в экситон-поляритонном конденсате Письма в ЖЭТФ, том 103, вып. 5, с. 355 – 358 (2016) (pdf)
  20. E S Khramtsov, P A Belov, P S Grigoryev, I V Ignatiev, S Yu Verbin and S L Yakovlev, Theoretical modeling of exciton-light coupling in quantum wells, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 690 012018 (2016) (pdf)
  21. Ivan I. Ryzhov, Gleb G. Kozlov, Dmitrii S. Smirnov, Mikhail M. Glazov, Yurii P. Efimov, Sergei A. Eliseev, Viacheslav A. Lovtcius, Vladimir V. Petrov, Kirill V. Kavokin, Alexey V. Kavokin and Valerii S. Zapasskii, Spin noise explores local magnetic fields in a semiconductor, Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 21062 (2016) (pdf)
  22. E. Cherotchenko, T. Espinosa-Ortega, A. V. Nalitov, I. A. Shelykh, and A. V. Kavokin , Superconductivity in semiconductor structures: the excitonic mechanism, Superlattices and Microstructures, 90, 170–175 (2016) (pdf)
  23. T C H Liew, Y G Rubo,A S Sheremet, S De Liberato, I A Shelykh, F P Laussy and A V Kavokin, Quantum statistics of bosonic cascades, New J. Phys. 18 023041 (2016) (pdf)
  24. Vladimir P. Kochereshko, Mikhail V. Durnev, Lucien Besombes, Henri Mariette, Victor F. Sapega, Alexis Askitopoulos, Ivan G. Savenko, Timothy C. H. Liew, Ivan A. Shelykh, Alexey V. Platonov, Simeon I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, Pavlos G. Savvidis, Vladimir K. Kalevich, Mikhail M. Afanasiev, Vladimir A. Lukoshkin, Christian Schneider, Matthias Amthor, Christian Metzger, Martin Kamp, Sven Hoefling, Pavlos Lagoudakis & Alexey Kavokin , Lasing in Bose-Fermi mixtures, Scientific Reports 6, 20091 (2016) (pdf)
  25. Igor Yu. Chestnov, Sevak S. Demirchyan, Alexander P. Alodjants, Yuri G. Rubo, and Alexey V. Kavokin , Permanent Rabi oscillations in coupled exciton-photon systems with PT-symmetry, Sci. Rep. 6, 19551 (2016) (pdf)
  26. S. S. Demirchyan, I. Yu. Chestnov, S. M. Arakelian, A. P. Alodjants, A. V. Kavokin, On the mechanism of the maintenance of Rabi oscillations in the system of exciton polaritons in a microcavity, JETP Letters 103, 1, 51–56 (2016)
    С. С. Демирчян, И. Ю. Честнов, С. М. Аракелян, А. П. Алоджанц, А. В. Кавокин О механизме поддержания осцилляций Раби в системе экситонных поляритонов в микрорезонаторе Письма в ЖЭТФ 103, 56 (2016) (pdf)
  27. P. S. Sokolov, M. Yu. Petrov, T. Mehrtens, K. Müller-Caspary, A. Rosenauer, D. Reuter, and A. D. Wieck , Reconstruction of nuclear quadrupole interaction in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots observed by transmission electron microscopy, Phys. Rev. B 93, 045301 (2016) (pdf)
    2015 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. L. Dominici, M. Petrov, M. Matuszewski, D. Ballarini, M. De Giorgi, D. Colas, E. Cancellieri, B. Silva Fernández, A. Bramati, G. Gigli, A. Kavokin, F. Laussy & D. Sanvitto , Real-space collapse of a polariton condensate, Nature Communications 6, 8993 (2015) (pdf)
  2. A. V. Trifonov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, I. A. Yugova, R. V. Cherbunin, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, V. A. Lovtcius and A. V. Kavokin , Multiple-frequency quantum beats of quantum confined exciton states, Phys. Rev. B 92, 201301( R ) (2015) (pdf)
  3. Maciej Pieczarka, Marcin Syperek, Łukasz Dusanowski, Jan Misiewicz, Fabian Langer, Alfred Forchel, Martin Kamp, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling, Alexey Kavokin, and Grzegorz Sęk , Ghost Branch Photoluminescence From a Polariton Fluid Under Nonresonant Excitation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 186401 (2015) (pdf)
  4. A. Tzimis, A. V. Trifonov, G. Christmann, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, I. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Kavokin, and P. G. Savvidis , Strong coupling and stimulated emission in single parabolic quantum well microcavity for terahertz cascade, Applied Physics Letters 107, 101101 (2015) (pdf)
  5. D. A. Zaitsev, N. D. Il’ynskaya, A. V. Koudinov, N. K. Poletaev, E. V. Nikitina, A. Yu. Egorov, A. V. Kavokin and R. P. Seisyan , Diffusive Propagation of Exciton-Polaritons through Thin Crystal Slabs, Sci. Rep. 5, 11474 (2015) (pdf)
  6. M. Amthor, T. C. H. Liew, C. Metzger, S. Brodbeck, L. Worschech, M. Kamp, I. A. Shelykh, A. V. Kavokin, C. Schneider, and S. Höfling , Optical bistability in electrically driven polariton condensates, Phys. Rev. B 91, 081404( R ) (2015) (pdf)
  7. I. I. Ryzhov, S. V. Poltavtsev, K. V. Kavokin, M. M. Glazov, G. G. Kozlov, M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert, S. Cronenberger, A. V. Kavokin, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, and V. S. Zapasskii , Measurements of nuclear spin dynamics by spin-noise spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 242405 (2015) (pdf)
  8. I. I. Ryzhov, S. V. Poltavtsev, G. G. Kozlov, A. V. Kavokin, P. V. Lagoudakis and V. S. Zapasskii , Spin noise amplification and giant noise in optical microcavity, Jour. Appl. Phys. 117, 224305 (2015) (pdf)
  9. M. M. Glazov and V. S. Zapasskii , Linear optics, Raman scattering, and spin noise spectroscopy, Opt. Express 23, 11713–11723 (2015) (pdf)
  10. Evgeny S. Sedov, I. V. Iorsh, S. M. Arakelian, A. P. Alodjants and Alexey Kavokin , Hyperbolic Metamaterials with Bragg Polaritons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 237402 (2015) (pdf)
  11. R. V. Cherbunin, M. Vladimirova, K. V. Kavokin, A. V. Mikhailov, N. E. Kopteva, P. G. Lagoudakis and A. V. Kavokin , Significant photoinduced Kerr rotation achieved in semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 91, 205308 (18 May 2015) (pdf)
  12. M. M. Glazov and A. V. Kavokin , Spin waves in semiconductor microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 91, 161307( R ) (2015) (pdf)
  13. P. Andreakou, S. Cronenberger, D. Scalbert, A. Nalitov, N. A. Gippius, A. V. Kavokin, M. Nawrocki, J. R. Leonard, L. V. Butov, K. L. Campman, A. C. Gossard and M. Vladimirova, Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of indirect excitons in coupled quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 91, 125437 (pdf)
  14. Long Zhang, Wei Xie, Jian Wang, Alexander Poddubny, Jian Lu, Yinglei Wang, Jie Gu, Wenhui Liu, Dan Xu, Xuechu Shen, Yuri G. Rubo, Boris L. Altshuler, Alexey V. Kavokin and Zhanghai Chen , Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices, PNAS Plus — Physical Sciences — Physics, March 18 (2015) (pdf)
  15. A. V. Trifonov, S. N. Korotan, A. S. Kurdyubov, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, Yu. P. Efimov, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, Yu. K. Dolgikh, V. V. Ovsyankin and A. V. Kavokin , Nontrivial relaxation dynamics of excitons in high-quality InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 91, 115307 (2015) (pdf)
  16. V. K. Kalevich, M. M. Afanasiev, V. A. Lukoshkin, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, K. V. Kavokin, S. I. Tsintzos, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, and A. V. Kavokin , Controllable structuring of exciton-polariton condensates in cylindrical pillar microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 91, 045305 (2015) (pdf)
    2014 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. Kirill Kavokin, Nikita Chernetsov, Alexander Pakhomov, Julia Bojarinova, Dmitry Kobylkov, Barot Namozov, Magnetic orientation of garden warblers (<i>Sylvia borin</i>) under 1.4 MHz radiofrequency magnetic field, J. R. Soc. Interface 11 20140451 (2014) (pdf)
  2. G. G. Kozlov , CORRELATED LLOYD MODEL: EXACT SOLUTION, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 181(2): 1396–1404 (2014) (pdf)
  4. C. Trallero-Giner, M. V. Durnev, Y. Núñez Fernández, M. I. Vasilevskiy, V. López-Richard, and A. Kavokin, Excited states of exciton-polariton condensates in 2D and 1D harmonic traps, Phys. Rev. B 89, 205317 (2014) (pdf)
  5. L. Langer, S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, M. Salewski, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, I. A. Akimov, and M. Bayer , Access to long-term optical memories using photon echoes retrieved from semiconductor spins, Nature Photonics 219 (2014) (pdf)
  6. S. V. Poltavtsev, Yu.P. Efimov, Yu.K. Dolgikh, S. A. Eliseev, V. V. Petrov, V. V. Ovsyankin , Extremely low inhomogeneous broadening of exciton lines in shallow (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum wells, Solid State Communications 199, 47–51 (2014) (pdf)
  7. D. K. Loginov, A. V. Trifonov and I. V. Ignatiev , Effect of uniaxial stress on the interference of polaritonic waves in wide quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 90, 075306 (2014) (pdf)
  8. S. Varwig, I. A. Yugova, A. René, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Greilich, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, and M. Bayer , Excitation of complex spin dynamics patterns in a quantum-dot electron spin ensemble, Phys. Rev. B 90, 121301( R ) (2014) (pdf)
  9. G. G. Kozlov and V. S. Zapasskii , Intensity-related optical susceptibility and 'active' noise spectroscopy, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47 185401 (2014) (pdf)
  10. E. A. Zhukov, A. Greilich, D. R. Yakovlev, K. V. Kavokin, I. A. Yugova, O. A. Yugov, D. Suter, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, V. V. Petrov, Yu. K. Dolgikh, A. Pawlis, and M. Bayer , All-optical NMR in semiconductors provided by resonant cooling of nuclear spins interacting with electrons in the resonant spin amplification regime, Phys. Rev. B 90, 085311 (2014) (pdf)
  11. Johannes Hackmann, Dmitry S. Smirnov, Mikhail M. Glazov and Frithjof B. Anders , Spin noise in a quantum dot ensemble: From a quantum mechanical to a semi-classical description, Phys. Status Solidi B, 251: 1270–1275 (2014) (pdf)
  12. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. I. Ryzhov, R. V. Cherbunin, A. V. Mikhailov, N. E. Kopteva, G. G. Kozlov, K. V. Kavokin, V. S. Zapasskii, P. V. Lagoudakis, and A. V. Kavokin , Optics of spin-noise-induced gyrotropy of an asymmetric microcavity, Phys. Rev. B 89, 205308 (2014) (pdf)
  13. S. S. Demirchyan, I. Yu. Chestnov, A. P. Alodjants, M. M. Glazov, and A. V. Kavokin , Qubits Based on Polariton Rabi Oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 196403 (2014) (pdf)
  14. A. V. Nalitov, M. Vladimirova, A. V. Kavokin, L. V. Butov, and N. A. Gippius , Nonlinear optical probe of indirect excitons, Phys. Rev. B 89, 155309 (2014) (pdf)
  15. A. V. Koudinov, C. Kehl, A. V. Rodina, J. Geurts, D. Wolverson, and G. Karczewski , Suris Tetrons: Possible Spectroscopic Evidence for Four-Particle Optical Excitations of a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas , Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 147402 (2014) (pdf)
  16. G. G. Kozlov, S. V. Poltavtsev, I. I. Ryzhov, and V. S. Zapasskii , Comment on "Evidence of slow-light effects from rotary drag of structured beams, New J. Phys. 16, 038001 (2014) (pdf)
  17. M. S. Kuznetsova, K. Flisinski, I. Ya. Gerlovin, M. Yu. Petrov, I. V. Ignatiev, S. Yu. Verbin, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck and M. Bayer , Nuclear magnetic resonances in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots studied by resonant optical pumping, Phys. Rev. B 89, 125304 (2014) (pdf)
  18. J. Fischer, S. Brodbeck, A. V. Chernenko, I. Lederer, A. Rahimi-Iman, M. Amthor, V. D. Kulakovskii, L. Worschech, M. Kamp, M. Durnev, C. Schneider, A. V. Kavokin and S. Höfling , Anomalies of a Nonequilibrium Spinor Polariton Condensate in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 093902 (2014) (pdf)
  19. M. Kotur, R. I. Dzhioev, K. V. Kavokin, V. L. Korenev, B. R. Namozov, P. E. Pak, Yu. G. Kusrayev , Nuclear spin relaxation mediated by Fermi-edge electrons in n-type GaAs, Pis’ma v ZhETF, vol. 99, iss. 1, pp. 40 – 44 (2014) (pdf)
  20. Sven Höfling and Alexey Kavokin , A historic experiment redesigned, Nature 514, 313–314 (16 October 2014) (pdf)
  21. J. Debus, T. S. Shamirzaev, D. Dunker, V. F. Sapega, E. L. Ivchenko, D. R. Yakovlev, A. I. Toropov, and M. Bayer , Spin-flip Raman scattering of the Γ−X mixed exciton in indirect band gap (In,Al)As/AlAs quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 90, 125431 (2014) (pdf)
  22. V. Kochereshko, V. Kats, A. Platonov, V. Sapega, L. Besombes, D. Wolverson and H. Mariette , Nonreciprocal magneto-optical effects in quantum wells, Phys. Status Solidi C, 11, 1316–1319 (2014) (pdf)
  23. V. K. Kalevich, M. M. Afanasiev, V. A. Lukoshkin, K. V. Kavokin, S. I. Tsintzos, P. G. Savvidis and A. V. Kavokin , Ring-shaped polariton lasing in pillar microcavities, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 094304 (2014) (pdf)
  24. P. Andreakou, S. V. Poltavtsev, J. R. Leonard, E. V. Calman, M. Remeika, Y. Y. Kuznetsova, L. V. Butov, J. Wilkes, M. Hanson and A. C. Gossard , Optically controlled excitonic transistor, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 091101 (2014) (pdf)
  25. A A Pervishko, T C H Liew, A V Kavokin and I A Shelykh , Bistability in bosonic terahertz lasers , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26 085303 (2014) (pdf)
  26. S. V. Poltavtsev, I. I. Ryzhov, M. M. Glazov, G. G. Kozlov, V. S. Zapasskii, A. V. Kavokin, P. G. Lagoudakis, D. S. Smirnov, and E. L. Ivchenko , Spin noise spectroscopy of a single quantum well microcavity, Phys. Rev. B 89, 081304( R ) (2014) [5 pages] (pdf)
  27. S. V. Andreev, A. A. Varlamov, A. V. Kavokin , Scale Invariance and Universality in a Cold Gas of Indirect Excitons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036401 (2014) [5 pages] (pdf)
  28. Godefroy Leménager, Ferruccio Pisanello, Jacqueline Bloch, Alexey Kavokin, Alberto Amo, Aristide Lemaitre, Elisabeth Galopin, Isabelle Sagnes, Massimo De Vittorio, Elisabeth Giacobino, Alberto Bramati , Two-photon injection of polaritons in semiconductor microstructures, Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 307–310 (2014) (pdf)
    2013 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. V. P. Kochereshko, A. V. Platonov, P. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, J. Bleuse, and H. Mariette, Exciton condensation in microcavities under three-dimensional quantization conditions, Semiconductors 47, 11, 1492 (2013) (pdf)
  2. I. Ya. Gerlovin, R. V. Cherbunin, I. V. Ignatiev, M. S. Kuznetsova, S. Yu. Verbin, K. Flisinski, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, D. R. Yakovlev, and M. Bayer , Dynamic nuclear polarization and Hanle effect in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots. Role of nuclear spin fluctuations, AIP Conf. Proc. 1566, 319 (2013) (pdf)
  3. K. V. Kavokin, A. V. Koudinov , Dynamical polarization of nuclear spins by acceptor-bound holes in a zinc-blende semiconductor, Phys. Rev. B 88, 235202 (2013) [9 pages] (pdf)
  4. P. Glasenapp, A. Greilich, I. I. Ryzhov, V. S. Zapasskii, D. R. Yakovlev, G. G. Kozlov, and M. Bayer , Resources of polarimetric sensitivity in spin noise spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 88, 165314 (2013) (pdf)
  5. O. Kyriienko, A. V. Kavokin, I. A. Shelykh , Superradiant Terahertz Emission by Dipolaritons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 176401 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
  6. D. Rosales, T. Bretagnon, B. Gil, A. Kahouli, J. Brault, B. Damilano, J. Massies, M. V. Durnev, A. V. Kavokin , Excitons in nitride heterostructures: From zero- to one-dimensional behavior, Phys. Rev. B 88, 125437 (2013) [7 pages] (pdf)
  7. A. Askitopoulos, H. Ohadi, A. V. Kavokin, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, P. G. Lagoudakis , Polariton condensation in an optically induced two-dimensional potential, Phys. Rev. B 88, 041308 ( R ) (2013) [4 pages] (pdf)
  8. G. Slavcheva, A. V. Kavokin , Polarization selection rules in exciton-based terahertz lasers, Phys. Rev. B 88, 085321 (2013) [9 pages] (pdf)
  9. M. M. Glazov, M. A. Semina, E. Ya. Sherman, A. V. Kavokin , Spin noise of exciton polaritons in microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 88, 041309( R ) (2013) (pdf)
  10. M. Remeika, A. T. Hammack, S. V. Poltavtsev, L. V. Butov, J. Wilkes, A. L. Ivanov, K. L. Campman, M. Hanson, A. C. Gossard, , Pattern Formation In the Exciton Inner Ring,, Rhys. Rev. B 88, 125307 (2013) (pdf)
  11. R. Giri, S. Cronenberger, M. M. Glazov, K. V. Kavokin, A. Lemaître, J. Bloch, M. Vladimirova, D. Scalbert , Nondestructive Measurement of Nuclear Magnetization by Off-Resonant Faraday Rotation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 087603 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
  12. Daniele Barettin, Alexei V. Platonov, Alessandro Pecchia, Vladimir N. Kats, George E. Cirlin, Iliya P. Soshnikov, Alexei D. Bouravleuv, Lucien Besombes, Henri Mariette, Matthias Auf der Maur, Aldo Di Carlo , Model of a GaAs Quantum Dot Embedded in a Polymorph AlGaAs Nanowire, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 (pdf)
  13. Mikhail Glazov , Quantum microcavities as efficient radiation sources , SPIE Newsroom, 2013 (pdf)
  14. I. V. Iorsh, M. A. Kaliteevski, K. A. Ivanov, K. V. Kavokin , Technical Physics Letters August 2013, Volume 39, Issue 8, pp 694–697 (pdf)
  15. M. S. Kuznetsova, K. Flisinski, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, K. V. Kavokin, S. Yu. Verbin, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, M. Bayer , Hanle effect in (In,Ga)As quantum dots: Role of nuclear spin fluctuations, Phys. Rev. B 87, 235320 (2013) [9 pages] (pdf)
  16. V. F. Sapega, I. V. Kraynov, N. I. Sablina, G. S. Dimitriev, N. S. Averkiev, K. H. Ploog , Control of magnetic anisotropy by external fields in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As, Solid State Communications 157 (2013) 34–37 (pdf)
  17. J. Debus, D. Dunker, V. F. Sapega, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, M. Bayer , Spin-flip Raman scattering of the neutral and charged excitons confined in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum well, Phys. Rev. B 87, 205316 (2013) [16 pages] (pdf)
  18. Alexey Kavokin , Polaritons: The rise of the bosonic laser, Nature Photonics 7, 591–592 (2013) (pdf)
  19. M. Yu. Petrov, A. V. Kavokin , Polariton transport in one-dimensional channels, Phys. Rev. B 88, 035308 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
  20. G. G. Kozlov , Noise spectroscopy of an optical microresonator, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2013, Vol. 116, No. 5, pp. 749–754 (pdf)
  21. Valerii S. Zapasskii, Spin-noise spectroscopy: from proof of principle to applications , Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 131–168 (2013) (pdf)
  22. V. S. Zapasskii, A. Greilich, S. A. Crooker, Yan Li, G. G. Kozlov, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, M. Bayer , Optical Spectroscopy of Spin Noise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 176601 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
  23. Y. Núñez Fernández, M. I. Vasilevskiy, C. Trallero-Giner, A. Kavokin, Condensed exciton polaritons in a two-dimensional trap: Elementary excitations and shaping by a Gaussian pump beam, Phys. Rev. B 87, 195441 (2013) [7 pages] (pdf)
  24. A. A. High, A. T. Hammack, J. R. Leonard, Sen Yang, L. V. Butov, T. Ostatnický, M. Vladimirova, A. V. Kavokin, T. C. H. Liew, K. L. Campman, A. C. Gossard , Spin Currents in a Coherent Exciton Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 246403 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
  25. E. A. Chekhovich, M. M. Glazov, A. B. Krysa, M. Hopkinson, P. Senellart, A. Lemaître, M. S. Skolnick, A. I. Tartakovskii , Element-sensitive measurement of the hole–nuclear spin interaction in quantum dots, Nature Physics 9, 74–78 (2013) (pdf)
  26. M. V. Durnev, A. V. Kavokin, B. Gil , Exciton decay through plasmon modes in planar metal-semiconductor structures, Phys. Rev. B 87, 195429 (2013) [8 pages] (pdf)
  27. T. C. H. Liew, M. M. Glazov, K. V. Kavokin, I. A. Shelykh, M. A. Kaliteevski, A. V. Kavokin, Proposal for a Bosonic Cascade Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 047402 (2013) [5 pages] (pdf)
    2012 год Свернуть/Развернуть
  1. E B Aleksandrov and V S Zapasskii, Optical and RF Spectroscopy of Spin Noise, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 397, 012030 (2012) (pdf)
  2. V N Kats, V P Kochereshko, A V Platonov, T V Chizhova, G E Cirlin, A D Bouravleuv, Yu B Samsonenko, I P Soshnikov, E V Ubyivovk, J Bleuse, H Mariette , Optical study of GaAs quantum dots embedded into AlGaAs nanowires , Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27 015009 (2012) [5 pages] (pdf)
  3. E. A. Zhukov, O. A. Yugov, I. A. Yugova, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, M. Bayer , Resonant spin amplification of resident electrons in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te quantum wells subject to tilted magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. B 86, 245314 (2012) [5 pages] (pdf)
  4. E. B. Aleksandrov and V. S. Zapasskii, , Material slow light and structural slow light: similarities and differences for nonlinear optics [Invited]: comment, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol. 29, no. 9, (2012) (pdf)
  5. Козлов Г. Г., Спектральная зависимость степени локализации в одномерной разупорядоченной модели Ллойда, Theor. and Math. Phys., 171(1): 531–540 (2012) (pdf)
  6. M. Syperek, D. R. Yakovlev, I. A. Yugova, J. Misiewicz, M. Jetter, M. Schulz, P. Michler, and M. Bayer, Electron and hole spins in InP/(Ga,In)P self-assembled quantum dots, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125320 (2012) (6 pages). (pdf)
  7. S. Varwig, A. Schwan, D. Barmscheid, C. Mueller, A. Greilich, I. A. Yugova, D. R. Yakovlev, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, and M. Bayer, Hole spin precession in a (In,Ga)As quantum dot ensemble: From resonant spin amplification to spin mode locking, Phys. Rev. B 86, 075321 (2012) (5 pages) (pdf)
  8. I. A. Yugova, M. M. Glazov, D. R. Yakovlev, A. A. Sokolova, and M. Bayer, Coherent spin dynamics of electrons and holes in semiconductor quantum wells and quantum dots under periodical optical excitation: resonant spin amplification versus spin mode-locking, Phys. Rev. B 85, 125304 (2012) (pdf)
  9. M. M. Glazov, I. A. Yugova, and Al. L. Efros, Electron spin synchronization induced by optical nuclear magnetic resonance feedback, Phys. Rev. B 85, 041303( R ) (5 pages) (2012) (pdf)
  10. M. Yu. Petrov and S. V. Yakovlev, Comparison of Quantum-Mechanical and Semiclassical Approaches for an Analysis of Spin Dynamics in Quantum Dots, JETP 115, 326 (2012)
    М. Ю. Петров и С. В. Яковлев Сравнение квантовомеханического и полуклассического подходов для анализа спиновой динамики в квантовых точках ЖЭТФ 142, 363–375 (2012) (pdf)
  11. A. A. Varlamov, A. V. Kavokin, I. A. Luk'yanchuk, S. G. Sharapov, Anomalous thermoelectric and thermomagnetic properties of graphene, UFN, 182:11 (2012), 1229–1234 (in russian) (pdf)
  12. E. A. Chekhovich, K. V. Kavokin, J. Puebla, A. B. Krysa, M. Hopkinson, A. D. Andreev, A. M. Sanchez, R. Beanland, M. S. Skolnick, A. I. Tartakovskii, Structural analysis of strained quantum dots using nuclear magnetic resonance, Nature Nanotechnology 7, 646–650 (2012) (pdf)
  13. В. К. Калевич, М. М. Афанасьев, А. Ю. Ширяев, А. Ю. Егоров, , Оптическая ориентация ядер в азотосодержащих твердых растворах GaAsN при комнатной температуре,, Письма в ЖЭТФ 96, 635 (2012), 6 стр (pdf)
  14. M. Matuszewski, T. C. H. Liew, Y. G. Rubo, A. V. Kavokin, , Spin-orbit coupling and the topology of gases of spin-degenerate cold excitons in photoexcited GaAs-AlGaAs quantum wells, Phys. Rev. B 86, 115321 (2012) [4 pages] (pdf)
  15. L. Langer, S. V. Poltavtsev, I. A. Yugova, D. R. Yakovlev, G. Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Kossut, I. A. Akimov, M. Bayer, , Magnetic-Field Control of Photon Echo from the Electron-Trion System in a CdTe Quantum Well: Shuffling Coherence between Optically Accessible and Inaccessible States, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 157403 (2012) [5 pages] (pdf)
  16. E. Kammann, T. C. H. Liew, H. Ohadi, P. Cilibrizzi, P. Tsotsis, Z. Hatzopoulos, P. G. Savvidis, A. V. Kavokin, and P. G. Lagoudakis, , Nonlinear Optical Spin Hall Effect and Long-Range Spin Transport in Polariton Lasers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 036404 (2012) (pdf)
  17. V. L. Korenev, I. A. Akimov, S. V. Zaitsev, V. F. Sapega, L. Langer, D. R. Yakovlev, Yu. A. Danilov, M. Bayer, , Dynamic spin polarization by orientation-dependent separation in a ferromagnet–semiconductor hybrid, Nat. Commun. 3, 959 (2012) (pdf)
  18. H. Ohadi, E. Kammann, T. C. H. Liew, K. G. Lagoudakis, A. V. Kavokin, P. G. Lagoudakis, , Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Polariton and Photon Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 016404 (2012) (pdf)
  19. S. Yu. Verbin, I. Ya. Gerlovin, I. V. Ignatiev, M. S. Kuznetsova, R. V. Cherbunin, K. Flisinski, D. Yakovlev, M. Bayer , Dynamics of Nuclear Polarization in InGaAs Quantum Dots in a Transverse Magnetic Field, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2012, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 681–690
    С. Ю. Вербин, И. Я. Герловин, И. В. Игнатьев, М. С. Кузнецова, Р. В. Чербунин, K. Flisinski, D. Yakovlev, M. Bayer, «Динамика ядерной поляризации в квантовых точках InGaAs в поперечном магнитном поле », с. 778–789, ЖЭТФ том 141 вып. 4 (2012) (pdf)
  20. Fabrice P. Laussy, Thomas Taylor, Ivan A. Shelykh and Alexey V. Kavokin, , Superconductivity with excitons and polaritons: review and extension, J. Nanophoton. 6, 064502 (May 07, 2012) (pdf)
  21. V. P. Kochereshko, L. Besombes, R. T. Cox, H. Mariette, T. Wojtowicz, G. Karczewski, J. Kossut , Spin properties of trions in a dense quasi-2D electron gas, Semiconductors, Volume 46, Issue 12, pp 1502–1505 (2012) (pdf)
  22. V. P. Kochereshko, V. N. Kats, A. V. Platonov, R. A. Suris, G. E. Cirlin, A. D. Buravlev, Yu. B. Samsonenko, L. Besombes, C. Le Gal, H. Mariette , Photoluminescence of single quantum wires and quantum dots, Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques, 6, 5, 722–725 (2012)
    Кочерешко В.П., Кац В.Н., Платонов А.В., Сурис Р.А., Цырлин Г.Э., Буравлев А.Д., Самсоненко Ю.Б., Besombes L, Le-Gal С, Mariette H., Фотолюминесценция одиночных квантовых нитей и квантовых точек, Поверхность, т.9, с. 18-21 (2012) (pdf)
  23. A. V. Kavokin, I. A. Shelykh, T. Taylor, M. M. Glazov, , Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Terahertz Laser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 197401 (2012) (pdf)
  24. A. A. High, J. R. Leonard, A. T. Hammack, M. M. Fogler, L. V. Butov, A. V. Kavokin, K. L. Campman & A. C. Gossard, Spontaneous coherence in a cold exciton gas, Nature 483, 584–588 (29 March 2012) (pdf)
  25. A. V. Atrashchenko, V. N. Katz, V. P. Ulin, V. P. Evtikhiev, V. P. Kochereshko, , Fabrication and optical properties of porous InP structures, Physica E, (2012) (pdf)
  26. Alexey Kavokin, , Bosonic condensates: Polariton pendulum, Nature Physics 8, 183–184 (2012) (pdf)

  1. Е.Б. Александров, П.А. Александров, В.С. Запасский, В.Н. Корчуганов, А.И. Стирин, Эксперименты по прямой демонстрации независимости скорости света от скорости движения источника (демонстрация справедливости второго постулата специальной теории относительности Эйнштейна), УФН 181, 1345–1351 (2011)